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Everything posted by matt14

  1. Did he by some chance disconnect a speed sensor or "stretch" the sensor to where the wires may break inside? Did he just do pads or did he also do rotors as well
  2. Had just moved to Arizona from the bay area to attend U.T.I. it. Was my day off from work and my roomate came banging on my bedroom door in his tity whities saying we were under attack. Slammed the door in his face cause Diddnt really repose what was going on, till my mom called me and said it was serious. Started to watch the t.v. and saw the replay of the second plane hit. Went to school later that day and 4 kids in my class were from jersey, and were upset cause some couldn't get ahold of the families and one of there dads worked a couple of blocks from the towers. No one at school got anything done that day, and just watched the news coverage.
  3. This is so true, when i was buidling my box i forgot to grab my shop glasses and mask for work. So what i did was found a old pair of sunglasses my sister left at my house and wrapped a wife beater around my mouth and nose, espically when the router was going.
  4. I always just go to my dads house and kinda just start taking tools from him for my house. Its coo with him though, cause my tool box is a little more organized then his, so when he needs something its easier to just come by over here and get it. Tools at work is another thing though, i probably have 20k+ invested in my toolbox, and now the box at home slowly starting to build to.
  5. The router i bought was kinda expensive, and the bits are too. As far as making circles, a jasper jig is the way too go. Ive heard of making your own jig, but the jasper is just easy to use. Take a look at steves video when he is making the towers and it will show you how to make flush mount circles. The bit he is using I believe is a spiral upcut bit.
  6. Do you have any basic hand tools, like sockets,ratchets, screwdrivers.... Also i would invest in a jigsaw and a circular saw. Did your dad give you a budget of how much you can spend? Also a good set of battery cable cutters to cut into some 1/0g. The set i have cut through like butter. Soldering iron would also be a good investment.
  7. Need to get a quote for two level 3 10s with the high roll surround d2 recone, and also 2 level 3 12s d2 complete subs.
  8. Well I remember that thorshammer tore his during a comp and repaired with some gorilla tape and burped a 51? So that's what he did with the tape and we did re-build his box and set gains with the d
  9. One of the subs is torn all the way through on half of the sub. The other is cracked and will tear open soon I'm sure. But it is cracked around the entire sub.
  10. When did the upgraded surrounds come out? He bout the subs like in February
  11. A friend of mine has 2 10"level 3s off a alpine 1000 and the surrounds on one sub is cracked and the other is broken about 1/2 around. What do you think could be the problem? We were gonna reset his gains tomorrow (with my dd1) after we built him a new box, but now not sure since the subs are gonna just break apart anyways. Clipping maybe?
  12. I blew it while playin either bass Ballin or on ky level, both downloaded off itunes
  13. Coil was not black. And yea it did look just like that pic. I don't use bass boost
  14. My gain was turned way down and only played with a fresh recone for a month.
  15. 18 and I figured to.much power, but with only maybe 15kin playing time?
  16. On Thursday I got my dd1 and set the gains on my crescendo 3k and test it that night. Now its hittin much harder then before. Went to show it off to a friend and the xl blew. Took it apart and found the coil came apart. The voltage never got below 13.4. I have it ran to .5ohm. My box is tuned to 33hz and right around 6.5 c.f. what do yall think.could of happened. When i took it apart, the coil was rubbing against the motor. It took me a while, but was able.to get the broken pieces of coil out. I'm on mobile right now, so I can't post pics till tonight.
  17. Same thing happened to me the other day. What I did was grabbed one of my pry bars and pryed up on the sub, then it should put some pressure on the nut to be able to unscrew by hand.
  18. I was on steves ustream and never saw anything almost all.day.
  19. I think the address is on the wccaudio site. I can't get off tomorrow from work, but will check and follow if your streaming to see if you guys are still kicking it when I get off.
  20. He has a couple of versions of that song I think, I know I have two. Maybe the one he's talking about is techs 6's&7's album that has worldwide chopper.
  21. A friend of mine actaully just got a 12" XXX ( older style with 12spoke basket ) and it needs a re-cone. Not sure if hes gonna get rid of it or not, but shoot a offer and ill see if he wants to part ways with it. He just got it last week, and we just got some info on a recone for it, but havnt ordered anything yet.
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