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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Everything posted by JeremyN

  1. of topic but what size battery do you have under the hood
  2. I did not see this post and I ordered last night is it to late to get this coupon applied to my order(Order # 100000972) or just toss in a large flexfix hat instead.
  3. still waiting for sign up for DEC SOTM

    1. Purplehaze


      man sometimes it isn't until the third or fourth before they get it all figured out and squared away. Patients, my friend...

  4. Can somebody please tell me why I should not use the stock battery under the hood and add an AGM battery in the back? I hear you aren't soppsed to to do it but why?
  5. the BRZ and BXI lines do rated but now that I think of it you did not state what line the 1606 if from so maybe I need to do more research to to give you a better answer.
  6. hell like I told you before if you need help on a Saturday send me a text and Ill come help yall finish your truck
  7. scrub the window with alcohol first..not beer or whiskey thats alcohol abuse .... denatured or 50% rubbing will work
  8. id say its the eq settings and the gain settings on the amp.....clip... clip... clip...
  9. lvl 4 recone and basket for 12 you have my cell number
  10. sounds like JL Audio W6 subs you want how about ask for a single 3 ohm voice coil or dual 1.5 ohm coils
  11. this is a vid of a game my son and his friend are doing a " let's play" series on the game Terraria and his channel will soon feature a WOW " lets play" series.... http://www.youtube.com/user/AcuteRysing#p/c/7A5914F7E1A959B2/3/TsImvWJ0ek4 http://www.youtube.com/user/AcuteRysing#p/c/7A5914F7E1A959B2/5/34KtJy7rqcY if you play this game check out their channel
  12. If a person has never done that before than that person hasn't done enough installs .......... we all do it at least once.. I use silicone from the back of the tear
  13. On the real..... thanks everybody for the help... lol felt like a noob..... we all have that moment at some point in life..
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