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Everything posted by sactownstang

  1. I have seen many refurbished amps from RF and never one that had issues like that. I am sure if u bought a new retail amp u would be impressed. I would send it back! Good Luck!
  2. dued u going to be buying a alt real soon. look its the alt that can't keep up 2 t3000 fill tilt atleast 550A. Not sure what hi alt u got but you plan on slammin for 30 min then max it all out? 3 min maybee 5 at the start of that session you probally would have been ok. That's rough on everything. No wonder it broke. Funny first thing we think is that POS amp, but after hearing the story, I think u have so much confidence in it you pushed it past the cars limits. Shit suprised? Nope you mean to those 3000's!
  3. Man I don't mean to sound like the rf backer but wtf happened? Only thing that coulda happened is u started to lose voltage bad, or it just blew. These amps are DAMN SOLID. Very suprising to hear this. I know u know your install so not even a ? on that. Granted I have seen amps from many companys blow when being pushed so hard.
  4. trade for a battery charger? (inside joke) bump for ya You upgrading to 9500 g series?
  5. Think u need to take a picture in the light! looks killer though.
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/32-Clarion-Pro-Audio-s...emZ160207285038
  7. Don't u just love VISTA. have that same problem on my notebook with it. seems to sample the mic half as much
  8. Kimo prove it, you guys bring a termlab usually? Next show bring another termlab, match them up get it established there is a differance.
  9. Now that it's brought up. we had a car measure 149.5 then went in the lane at finals it was 149.0. .5 off i just don't think it could be Did they have same mic at finals? There may be differances from all termlabs I saw dued do 149.5 3x in the day. so again differances are possible cause i thought i heard wayne had provided all termlabs for finals.
  10. he does be having lot's of problems with his shit last year, hopefull he has it figured out though. I agree same mic competiton is fair. But then again are scores go against everyone elses all over. At finals this would be a huge problem but imagine they used differnt setups there? I tell u this dougs mic has always been lower then mine in the garage. I hit 150.5 i wanna see 150.5 at the shows. Pricey equipment to just replace.
  11. Are u related to b. hurley? Ain't that the dued that kings drafted never did much then got in a car accident?
  12. probally ain't gona be anyone there today
  13. yup 350 is pretty much low as I am going to go it's new never powered never opened( though my box is ragged) local pickup is prefered, I am in south sac
  14. Get a fluke if u can! Harbor freight has one for like 4 buxs too, i use it as a backup cause my fluke stays at the house!
  15. I have a almost new 717 kenwood. it's harness is full not cut.
  16. I bought this and 2 t2001 amps a few years back. Comes NIB with birth cert and bass knob. Was purchased authorized but the recipt has the t2001 on them so u can't have it unless u want to buy 2 of them! The warranty expires in june, after that i don't need the recipt your welcome to it. Asking 350, this still is wrapped and sealed as from the factory. I shoulda put the manual in th picture but it's there also.
  17. 120k loan but whats the equity in the house? I got a 175k loan with a 781 credit score at 6.0% last april. Looking to refi into the low 5's now or hopefully soon. Good luck, good time to do it!
  18. I agree with ya rusty, but the worst part is it has taken forever. Dued were ever those rules end you got so much game you will rise to the top no matter what the class.
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