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Everything posted by techforce

  1. They don't have the upper band... they are tuned differently.. that is all... both the 18's and 15's will play from 60hz to 8hz... they just peak at different frequencies... I truly don't see why people think this is a problem, I have been mixing subs since the early 1980's... The only problem I ever had was if they were in same cabinets... Then there was a phase issue... but there is no phase issues and it plays a wide range loudly... The subsonics are all the way down on all amps and the low passes are turned up all the way letting the head unit do the low pass. I hope this helps people understand the setup. I know it is different... but it started as a catch all for what I had laying around the shop... I know alot of you guys don't like this truck and think it is stupid the way I set it up... keep in mind that this truck hardly gets used, it sits at walmart 28 days out of the month as a billboard. But, I promise you that is sounds good for what it is... It's not Trippi's hummer or Steve's Tahoe.. but it will do a 150.4 and I am working on improving that... It's probably the loudest billboard in the US LOL!
  2. As we where leaving the parking lot Big Tony was pulling in and he said there was a state trooper there haha. It never fails... The cops are always called... LOL! Exactly! Old school!
  3. Bout time u fixed this shit... remember the other day when u told me that it was my internet and that I need to pay my isp bill???? Well touche fucker... lol!
  4. I don't remember... I would need to go measure them... but it is snowing like crap and I left the truck in the Walmart parking lot... It does ok... it doesn't go super low it's peak is about 45... but it is a fun 45! When I wanna go low... I have Frankenstein for that... it plays in the low 20's
  5. Yeah... they are a little small... but box was designed on Term CAD and it burped a 156.0 and averages a 152 on music...
  6. Meh.... that isn't really that many boxes... You should have that unloaded in less that 20 minutes...
  7. He had this problem at Meca Worl Finals and when u hit the meter to one of the subs, the resistance always jumps... it won't level out... it all of a sudden fixed itself and started up again.. I dont think weather because it was hot at World Finals... I STILL think one of the coils is shorting out....
  8. Holy crap you look young in that pic!!! Pic must of been taken in the 70's???????
  9. Yes... I am thinking what you are thinking... noodles really don't make good best friends if you don't know how many rpms that your microwave turns whenever your neighbor shoots himself with a garlic cannon...
  10. AQ?? I was told 2.5 to 5.5 for the HDC3 15's... I would call and ask Michael at AQ
  11. I have 2 of the HDC3 15's (COPPER!!!) on a AQ3500 and they don't even get warm!!! (And I hammer em hard all the time!) I am VERY impressed with the HDC3's... I own the coppers so I assume the aluminum ones would be even better!!!
  12. he's got my flash drive with hella songs on it lol I need to get it back so next time I head over I'll try and remember Thanks bro! I owe ya one! Tell ya what... next time your there and he is broadcasting on Ustream, we won't make fun of you when you turn you back like we do to Steve! LOL!
  13. Hey bro... can you do me a big favor... next time you go to Meades shop, if he still has the air freshener I made him, will you please take a pic and post it in my section of the forums? Please? I never took a pic of it and it is funny as hell! I would really appreciate it!
  14. I guess we could upgrade him to Baller/Pimp if he were to get one of those crown air fresheners form the 90's to sport in the Lexi! Do that Steve and we will upgrade you to PIMP... Hell... I will buy the crown for you! You already know how great my air fresheners are that I send you! (If u guys only knew what I sent him! He is ashamed of the gift I HAND MADE HIM... an air freshener for the Lexi) I m still upset that never made it in the Lexi or at least the hoe...
  15. I recommend a Prius or how about a Yaris. Lol Bro... those are only people who have reached Baller/Pimp status... Steve's not there yet... maybe in time... LMAO!
  16. Steve... U need to get rid of the Hoe and Lexis and upgrade to a SmartCar to get the FULL BALLER status... Also... what was wrong with the oem rimz?
  17. sell your piece of shit truck and get a BMW...that definitely isnt baller status so who are you to talk? LOLOLOLZZZZ PWNED! I love it when people talk shit to Steve, not realizing that Steve talks shit back!!!!
  18. Also.. I think that most of these threads that are spoken of are from my team and Chodes team... Sorry guys...
  19. Ewww... Get 'em!!! LOL! BTW.... Steve... since you are in the suggestion mood... can u make it where the garage on top shows random cars in the garage? I am sick of seing the same ones on the main forum page... If it helps, I can whine like a bitch?
  20. I should of read the post entirely Zach! LOL! u got a batt in the back already... sorry...
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