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Everything posted by KnockinthaStreetzof608

  1. dam! so now im limited because of my coils i have .7 coils on my woofers best i can do is just run them in series then huh =(
  2. well i will be reciving my second 3500d1, tuesday and i was wondering how low can the amp see before going into protect? i dont wanna make my amps into paperweights and fuck them all up, also anybody clamp there yet? thanks on anyone that replys to my question o and also my electrical is 2d3100 1d3400 mechman270alt big3done
  3. may i ask who is selling u this? and i would buy it its wayy cheaper then new for 600 bucks
  4. sounds like your mad u ant break yours? lol be lucky you didnt haven to keep buying new ones must suck lol
  5. can anyone send me the link where all the dc clothing is on? i had it saved on my laptop but, my dog broke it.....
  6. if i order couple smd dd1 lets say tomorrow how soon will they come in do you think (in all honestly im no rush)
  7. fuck it some questions and prices i said i wasnt going to do dc audio no more but i might change my mind on my rebuild 2 lvl5 18's (dont know about upgrades yet) 1 175.4 1 dc 9k or a 7.5k 53511 is my zip
  8. its probley like my mustang since When you have a load, you will have higher voltage(then will be compensated at the same time and drop due to current demand) Your vehicle isn't "stupid", you are just wanting a higher voltage when there is no high load and it's not necessary all the time. make sense?
  9. thats my orginal plans and i do have the cash for the smd's as we speak just wanted to hear what people gotta say that it all plus still need to sell my xl 15's as well to have enough cash to buy both amps i want wooh!
  10. nope in all honestly im done with dc audio, i like my woofers but just wanna test other companys out there
  11. so then im confused on which sundown woofer will take the 7k then the nightshade or one with the ns? because they one i can get is the Sundown Zv2's with v3 upgrades and NS cones ,newer 18" baskets 9.25" zv3 spider pack with dual leads and the Zv3 basket spacer/cooling ring
  12. already got a chance to take some nightshades v2 with the v3 coils for stupid cheap thanks , plus i know a local wisconsin sundown dealer and i rather go with him and support my state
  13. if u dont feel comfortable going over the rate rms of a sub than dont do it go with something u feel comfortable doing no that was took the wrong way when i said that i was referencing to all the replys i was getting not given me 100% feed back so i just reworded my question to people that have done it or have had experience in doing something similar
  14. perhaps and maybe isnt somthin i feel comfrontable with at all, ig ill just reword my question has anyone ran 2 18's in a daily driver with 7k on them, and if so what driver was it and how did it take it? go full tilt often?
  15. correct 7 per pair, so ig in a perfect world a sub that can take 3500watts daily
  16. well im finally going to grow a pair and decided to wall off my mustang, and its most likley going to be 2 18" woofers on a 7k amp question is what kind of woofer will take 7k daily? i really want some smd woofers but i wanna hear what people think will do well in my application my buget is no more then 800 per woofer o and my car is an 05 ford mustang
  17. let me know ray on how they sound and everything plus a free bump for one guy asking the same thing today
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