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Everything posted by YoungBuck

  1. My dad telling me to look for a different college because we can't afford it even though I have financial aid and a shit ton of scholarships... FUCK THAT SHIT, FUCK THAT!
  2. Drew this up a while ago and photoshopped it onto my arm... is this what you are looking for?
  3. Ha, awesome. My friend has the exact same van, maybe i'll convince him to do a sweet build like this!
  4. Changed my major to gettin' huge. Working out pretty good for me.
  5. South Park never ceases to amaze me...
  6. Speed up when I'm about to merge lanes and then when I get behind you you drive 10 mph below the speed limit. FUCK THAT!
  7. needs to get bumping asap, but need a better car first.

  8. I'm wanting t buy a DC lvl 3 12" or 15", i don't know what the price are on used ones but my budget is pretty weak for a sub abd im hoping to get a sweet deal on one. Or a Re Audio Sub would be fine with me... Please shoot me a price and I'll get back to you.
  9. Yea man Bring Me The Horizon is sick.
  10. So I don't know who all here likes screamo/metal but if you want something to test your bass with go look up Devil Wears Prada songs on YouTube with bass added and download them, you won't be disappointed with the bass when played through a good system.
  11. Since most if not all of us on here listen to some sort of music and for those who workout and/or weight lift, What type of music do you listen too? I listen to thrash/fast metal, something that always gets me pumped up.
  12. I wish i heard about this, I would have been there asap ha.
  13. Awesome, Thanks guys. I'm probably gonna run a ported box thou
  14. So I'm planning on getting myself a DC lvl 3 and i listen to a lot of genres of music (rap and metal are the most I listen to.) And I was wondering if that sub would be able to sound well throughout my music collection? Thanks.
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