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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. I'm headed to wheel city in the morning to see what they have. They're one of two other places that will finance me. So if there's another durango...I'm gettin one. If not I'll delete that topic about the new ride and take pics of the "newer" ride and post those....AFTER I get one, LoL.
  2. First one didn't work for me...the second and third ones did though.
  3. WOW...that had to be one of my first posts. That was messy...LoL.
  4. Here's some more pics of the box that was in my truck. It was built to fit a reg cab silverado..99-04. It looks odd, but it worked. Coulda been better IMO, but whatever. The carpet was wrapped into the port and I'm the one who hacked it off, so it wasn't a bad install. EDIT: My PB account was deleted yesterday by PB for violation of terms of service (You can guess why.). It was a private account, but still, it was deleted. I'll get a new one started today and get the pics back up. At least the pics for the truck.
  5. They told me yesterday that they would be taking the chevy as a straight trade in on the durango...now they're telling me that I have to finance the durango. They're only paying off the chevy, $4850, and the durango is $3725. They also said something about giving me a check for $1100 for the difference on the two trucks. So they confused the shit outta me. My credit sucks and I can't find a willing co-signer, so I have to find a bad credit place to finance it for me...which is gonna suck ass. I applied to a few places already so I'm just waiting on a response now. I hope this works out. I don't wanna have to hook that shit back up in the chevy and keep it.
  6. Agreed...1700w on 2 CVX 12's would work ok. A lil over their rated power, but I'd say they could handle it.
  7. Well what's the rated power for those subs??
  8. It works for me, but I know it's about the bottom of the totem pole as far as comps go. It was cheap and we needed one, so I'm ok with it. I'll upgrade later. Oh well.....
  9. Sounded like he has a bas-ass lisp. On another note...whoever came up with the word LISP should be shot...that's just mean. People with a lisp can't even say it right...LMAO.
  10. I have no idea man. I bought it after I got out and after I spent most of my money on other stuff. It was cheap and it works w/o problems....knock on wood. But I have no idea what's inside.
  11. What haven't you built for Chicken??? LoL I'm computer stupid..how do I know what kind of motherboard my computer has?? It's an E-machines W3502...stop laughing at me.
  12. There's a few guys on here that just got some of those Sundown amps, so I'm sure they could give some input on those. If you really need 2000/1ohm, go with the XX-Hercules, but if you only need around 1500/1ohm...my choice would be either the Sundown or one of the US Amps choices. Kinda up to you on the $$$ too since one of them is $100+ less than the others.
  13. I got an 8300 mufugga...ain't nothin wrong with it.
  14. That sucks man....sorry to hear about that. I lost both my dogs within 2 weeks. One got run over by a school bus and the other had a heat stroke. Black lab mix (Jake) and AKC registered Saint Bernard (Foster)....Foster didn't do anything after Jake was hit by the bus. Just sat in the garage and was sweating too much, found him dead one morning. :rip_1:
  15. That's all him. But the level of work in there is absolutly amaz-za-zing. It's like being in AREA 51 in there. Stuff no one has seen. Stuff that's built but may never get used, and prolly never seen. Stuff that we've all seen. And stuff that hasn't been started yet...but the ideas are there. That damn mouse on the spinning wheel is gonna be doin some overtime soon...LoL.
  16. Man it sucked riding back to the house w/o some beats. I think we may need to come up with a temporary box til we can get the new one done up.
  17. When it was installed, they had to get the socket from a GM dealership in town. They had done an install on another Chevy truck a few weeks earlier and still had it laying around. It has to be a female torx head socket....I've never seen one at ANY store. And most people have never even seen one, let alone have one in their toolbox. I didn't think about this til after we started ripping everything out, but I wanted you to hear it too. Nice pics BTW...I'm not gay or anything, but that Pokey guy sure is good lookin. LoL. ;D
  18. OMFG.....WTF is up with that??? I got that shit stuck in my head now dammit all!!!! BOOP A DOOP A DOOP.......
  19. No I don't. See my sig for what I have. I have looked into both companies and I (and others that have used and sell both brands) think that SS is better quality. Not saying that PA is shitty stuff, I just think SS is better quality.
  20. Are you talking about all their products in general or just amps?? Just subs??
  21. This is pretty cool, shows a call from the iPhone. This thing is nice and all...but I dunno about $600. If I had the extra $$$ I'd get one for sure, but I don't so I probably won't get one, LoL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5us9TY2vS4Y
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