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Everything posted by AMI CUSTOMS

  1. Do another run from alt back and I would do a ground run at the very least from alt case to battery negative in rear.
  2. And that van looks brutal, 145.1 out the window on 30 second average is a big number for a 12 volt system.
  3. Normal, and the only time I disconnect the battery is NEVER. Why? Because it is a waste of time, just be smart and realize what you are doing, simple.
  4. ^^ this I would only do this if the amp has an internal fuse. Ask the guys at Sundown and see what they say. Then wtf is the point of having dual inputs if you are going to fuse down the wire to what 4 gauge cable is rated at, it is a complete WASTE of dual inputs and wire!!!!
  5. I have two stinger 70 amp power supplies with 6 batteries and I can run 8k rms full tilt for hours.
  6. Box design has nothing to do with clipping. Now you may be able to clip more do to the fact the you have better cone control from the box being under sized or could be the other way around be able to clip less because to much air space and wrong port area.
  7. Yes, some of my other videos, you can see where I play it and it is clipping solid during a demo. The light is solid red.
  8. Blinking is fine, solid red not good unless you know wtf you are doing or you gonna smoke some shit lol.
  9. Well IMO, those people think they know what they are talking about and don't.
  10. Think of it like this, the gain at the amp is a coarse adjustment and remote gain knob is a fine adjustment. Clip light blinking means you are "soft clip", solid red means you are clipping. So just don't make it solid red and you are fine.
  11. If I ever do run into you, I can make that happen!!!!
  12. HEY NOW, I did ALL the work is the way I see it, you just had the idea, so who owes who then? LOL
  13. That is nice, I like that power loss in wire part.
  14. Got it done works like a champ can't believe I didn't think of this years ago. Thanks Tony!!!!
  15. Good idea I am gonna make an excel sheet that does this.
  16. Got to lowes or home depot and get a longer allen head Metric bolt, simple, and they carry them I have gotten them for these batteries before.
  17. Wtf in this whole thread, just unplug those two RCAs at the amp and the amp WILL draw half the current and it won't hurt a fucking thing. How the hell is it going to hurt the amp? A 4 channel amp has two independent gains, meaning they are seperate. One for front and one for rear. They are not tied together in anyway. So if one set has no RCA input signal it won't damage anything.
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