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Status Replies posted by BassHead1990

  1. Is it sad that I've been up all night refreshing the USPS tracking page for my DD-1 and CC-1?


  3. school starts in 10 days, am I truely ready for whats to come?

  4. Chevron fucking up

  5. whats for dinner

  6. whats for dinner

  7. 1/2 mdf 4 by 8 =$13, 5/8 4by8=18, 3/4 4by8= 20

  8. oh if a amplifer has a rating of 0 ohms, does that pretty much mean there no resistance

  9. oh if a amplifer has a rating of 0 ohms, does that pretty much mean there no resistance

  10. Stayin up till I pass out

  11. Now I understand the concept of the sub, but how do mids produced the voices (reading MECP)

  12. Now I understand the concept of the sub, but how do mids produced the voices (reading MECP)

  13. Now I understand the concept of the sub, but how do mids produced the voices (reading MECP)

  14. trying to talk to a girl at work about woofer is the same as explaining to a wall...only the wall has a more positive attitude about it LOL

  15. Found the car I want and hopefully my mom will agree :) right mommy??

  16. Bitches, sorry I keep looking at your tits. You can avoid this in the future by wearing shirts that don't show them fuckers off.

  17. Bitches, sorry I keep looking at your tits. You can avoid this in the future by wearing shirts that don't show them fuckers off.

  18. trying to talk to a girl at work about woofer is the same as explaining to a wall...only the wall has a more positive attitude about it LOL

  19. think my tranny just went out

  20. trying to talk to a girl at work about woofer is the same as explaining to a wall...only the wall has a more positive attitude about it LOL

  21. Bout to put in an order with ascendant audio!! :good:

  22. Rain?! In Arizona?! I must be delusional

  23. just got all my MECP books, bout to study!!

  24. Sitting here wishing i didnt wreck my motorcycle

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