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Everything posted by mattp

  1. Ok well my desktop took a poop on my and I'm having get fixed.. So I have a laptop... But I have forgotten the password.. Now when I try to recover my password I never get a email sent to me!!!! Plz help I'm sick of using my phone...... Thanks
  2. Ok so let's say that it starts feb.20 and I order on fed. 20... When will they start shipping??
  3. WHAT HAPPENED!!!! that sir made me lmao!!! =} good sh!t. I'll be out that way in Aug... Gunna have to stop by and check this beast out!! DC FTW
  4. Got a dc power alt. From him. Fast shipping, Was box very good. Good guy to buy from =]
  5. I likes.. I wantto get a 2nd 7.5 for my setup=]
  6. Nice!!!! Rusty I will be out that way in Aug. Would luv to stop by and check the van out!!?? =}
  7. Lets get some special stickers, for the team =}
  8. Just got my team # YES SIR DC FTW Here I come 2012!!!
  9. Sent my app last night=] now just need the man to say yes!! =] DC FTW!!!'
  10. I like it I want in!! If any one needs someone to send it to that someone!! =] send me a pm and I'll send you my addy=]
  11. Whoot whoot!! I'll be out that way in Aug. Would luv to come by and check this thing out!!! =} it will be done soon
  12. I think he owns a body shop, could be wrong. Bit yes I would say he'd got money!!! He's got like 10 mtx 92001 just sitting around, a setsom 14k and who knows other goodies he's got!! Good guy tho =}
  13. He lives neer me, and I believe the amps(3 dc 9.0) are wired to .25ohm
  14. Good eye man! Damn dude 2 - 5K's for 2 15" XL's? Wow Thanks, but I'm lookin at my 5.0&7.5 ATM so I was going for that =)
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