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Status Updates posted by Bakerman

  1. 17 more days...js

  2. 2 hours later, I'm back home. Most people talk about how they lost weight and they feel so much better...well I've lost 5lbs in 7 days, and at this moment, I'm hurting in places I didn't know I had. Maybe I should stay away from the weights, and stick to the cardio for a while.

    1. sayhuh?


      No. Hurting means it's working lol Cardio plus weights. =)

  3. 30hz coursing through my veins...i need my fix. Wish I could hurry up and get this system done.

    1. KillaCam


      You're heart is beating way too fast.

    2. KillaCam
  4. 94.3 is off the chain today...playin the tunes i grew up with!

  5. A crow is the physical manifestation of a soul that died in vein, or without reason.

  6. A group of 1st graders were told to finish the following sentences.A penny saved is... ...not much.If at first you don't suceed... ...get new batteries.A bird in the hand is... ...going to poop on you.

  7. About to start revamping my entire wardrobe to Drop Em wear Clothing. Absolutely love the shirts!

  8. After a long day of helping Matt and Jennifer move out so we can move in, we are gonna cook out on the grill.

  9. After a long fun night in bed, the man rolls over and grabs a smoke. He asks the girl if she has a light, and she says the matches are in the top drawer. Upon opening the drawer, he sees a picture of a man. Worried, he asks the woman if this was her husband, and she assures him no. So, he asks if it is the boyfriend, and yet again, she says no. Curious, he asks, "Well, who is it?" With a smile on her face, she replies, "Silly, that was me before the operation."

  10. After riding in frankenstein nd yu-kong my car feels alot smaller.

  11. All i wanna do is get in my car nd drive the piss out if it.

  12. And i was looking forward to riding today...stupid rain. Guess ill go home nd get some sleep now.

  13. And the sky goes black...

  14. Another tat idea. Bold black letters "MATTHEW 5:9" with a thin blue line through the lettering.

  15. Any of my friends going to SBN hit me up with shirt sizes. Tryin to get some shirts done up...gonna pass a few out.

  16. Anybody down to go eat? txt it.

  17. Anybody ever used blender for 3D video rendering?

    1. n8ball2013


      Ivee used it for 3 margeritas

    2. MrSkippyJ
  18. Anybody going to dropjaw next weekend at the beach?

    1. BeatBox


      nope, im just hoping for no snow next weekend lol

  19. Anybody have some size 7-8 girls clothes they want to get rid of? My childs clothes are dissapearing and getting to small. I'm desperate here...lol.

  20. Anybody know where I can get a Mossberg 500?

  21. Anybody liking the new Platform Update for Xbox 360?

    1. Katt


      Nope. It makes things more complicated to use really. I knew about the change before hand, But didn't realize it was going to be this shitty. GAH.

  22. Anybody wanna hit up daytona at SBN with md this year? Gotta start planning early!

  23. Anyone figured outh ow to work the new chat thingy yet? I can't get it to scroll through the list.

  24. Anyone in bennettsville missing a black pit with white on its chest and feet? Ill put a pic up later. It just showed up in my yard, but I have no idea how, and it doesn't want to leave. Very timid toward people.

  25. Anyone on OovoO or Skype?-BakermanINC

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