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Everything posted by Ecco

  1. Looks really nice. I think my tire size is as big as it can get for the size of the wheel well. How much did those rims and tires cost, anyways?
  2. I miss my truck and its new DC sub.. And this tropical storm is turning this cruise into a floor surfing competition.

  3. I think it's the muffler. I have a feeling that it doesn't need to 'get used to it'. I guess see if it has gotten better, or else call the manufacturer and let them know. also, see if it's a common occurrence..
  4. Visiting San Juan, Puerto Rico. It's really nice over here, and the food is amazing! Here till Sunday, than we leave on a cruise ship to Barbados and the surrounding islands. Me gusta!

    1. OrionStang


      Lucky Bastard. How are the chica's?

    2. Ecco


      Too many to count. I'm on the ship right now, trying to avoid a tropical storm that's to our direct east. The food has been great, the drinks are everywhere, and everyone is having fun.

  5. If you like Asus, I'd say go for an Asus. Personally, I dunno how an Asus laptop does. The normal tower Acers work well, according to my friend.
  6. $850 for that with good specs, not even the 'best' that they have to offer. That's kinda pricy.
  7. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/115777-sundown-yard-sale/ Check that out.
  8. I haven't heard of a Sony laptop for a while.. That might be a sign... Hhahaa, but seriously, Sony has pricy products. Their TVs are good, but I'm not sure about their computers. If I were you, I'd just go to HP or Toshiba.
  9. Agreed. It seems like people are making some topics just to argue. I understand people have different viewpoints on everything, but... Some things are kinda best kept silent..
  10. Nice! Hope it's in a good neighborhood and hope the neighbors are nice.
  11. My laptop that I use always (school and for fun) is an HP (chose stuff online). has an i5 processor, a large HDD (500+gb), ATI graphics card. It's a beast for sure. Very dependable, the wifi signal never drops (unless the router is off, obviously, haha), the screen is great, I'm not sure about the max resolution, but it is a good size res.
  12. CaptainzPlane CaptainzPlanetz got a lot more pics, haha. I dunno really how to explain what to do. But back on topic, you got lots of stuff, have fun with it! How long did it take from ordering to it arriving? just curious.
  13. Get the URL for the pic, than look for the picture thing above where you type (looks like an old school picture, 2nd on the right of the yellow smiley). Click that, enter then URL, and press enter. The pic will show while you're editing.
  14. Not sure about the amp size. hahah, my memory sucks.. And it's sealed.
  15. Well I would hope so! Looks good man. I meant a photography camera, haha. I brought that camera across the entire US, and the video function is mediocre. And thanks!
  16. http://s185.photobucket.com/albums/x305/riotergreen/video/?action=view&current=MyMovie.mp4 Recorded it with my camera, so it's not that great of quality. Man, I love this thing though. The sound is phenomenal.
  17. Also, http://thekollection.com/ They have good music, some you can use (more unknown artists), some you obviously can't.
  18. Sure. Some of my songs have been used on YouTube before ( ) (one of many). I haven't made songs for a while, but here's my stockpile from 1 or 2 years ago. It's not great, but it's freeeeeeeee! http://www.mediafire.../?laaduff694djc That should lead to the folder which has all of my songs that I have ever attempted to make. If you use some, please give me a shoutout and let me see it! Also this one
  19. Gold? Ha well, hope it looks good. I personally like the 3rd one, because it's somewhat normal haha. But, if you want a sleek style (gunmetal grey car + gold rims), maybe go for the first one. The second one is kinda bad either way.
  20. It does get annoying, but I've only seen it in a few places on here. And I'm on my laptop, so I just press page down on my keyboard to scroll faster. But I do agree with why this topic was brought up.
  21. It's a Level 2 10". Decided to go for something small yet good for my first build. Also, my truck has limited space.
  22. Make a sub-pack. Give demos to random people on the sidewalk.
  23. Thanks to DC Audio (aka Santa)! :drink40: Can't wait to get it all installed. Now, what amp is best to run this? Anyone?
  24. Ecco

    M3s suck

    Hey now, granny shifting is fine in trucks hahaha! I'm sure the person in the BMW was laughing their head off at the guy in the Mitsubishi for that though. I know I would've. Heck, I'd have rolled the window down and laughed.
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