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Everything posted by Vitacy

  1. I love watching those parrots fly around cuz I just sit in the back with the rhino and blow them to high hell haha. But now undone even worry about them cuz I'd rather have them try to get me other then me look for them. But the only people that really camp are snipers but that's their role so you can't complain.
  2. I was in one match and these 2 guys were camping the hooters store but technically it wasnt because the just had those doors on lock down and wanted us to come to them. But I killed the guy and got the 10000 XP and was yes! New level lol
  3. Most places have a 90 day probation period which means you better do you're best in that 90 days Orr you gonna get cut.
  4. I like how different it is from the typical shooter (COD franchise) it's got more of a battlefield and their own style feel to it which makes the gameplay better IMO. But I love the BC modes those are fun as hell.
  5. I hate OSU so yay! Lol
  6. If so how do you like it? I think it's pretty damn good. Grapichs could be a little better but I think the gameplay is pretty solid.
  7. 1. A man getting shot by a taser while climbing a fence to running from the cops. Or 2. The fire department getting dispatched to get a bat out of a house.
  8. http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=293-657
  9. I was about to say the same thing as n8, if you got out on medical you can get back in. I mean cmon they thru you out because of a anxiety attack? Cmon my buddy is in bmt for air force to he said he seen a guy had one a couple weeks ago an he's still there.
  10. I was gonna do that, I was gonna sit where he has and take a picture. An Im also going down to the Police and fire department to get a map of the area and have it all marked out so I can show the judge. But at the angle he was sitting there's no way he coulda seen all the way down to the street I was turning off of because theres buildings in the way. Unless he has super vision lol.
  11. Alright yesterday morning when I got off work I went and got something to eat. When I left the local BK I turned onto the side street before the main road, and on the other side is a school. Well I turned onto the road and I was going 20 because of the school zone lights and shortly after there's a sign on the side that says school zone end. Well after I passed the sign I started to speed up coming onto a small bend well right when I started going around the bend there was a statey sitting in a parking lot and tagged me for doing a 40 in a 20 school zone. So if I decide to pay the fine it's $215 if not it's $150 and up. Well on the citation he wrote I was on the street with the light that I turned at, and I know for where he was sitting you cannot see that road at all. So my question is do you think I can get the case dismissed since he said he tagged me on one street but I was on another? I plan on calling the court number or whatever it is and ask them the same thing bu I want to know what you guys think.
  12. It wasn't a DUI there was a bunch of things that were brought against him.
  13. I'm at work and the WPD came across the scanner saying how much this guys fines were and it totaled out to being over $2000. It sure isn't a good night for him.
  14. I'm surprised they took the vid down already I watched it 5 times then showed my co worker I refresh the page an they took it off :/ but that kid got effed up! Lol
  15. DO IT!! lol can't wait to see what it turns out to be. And I kid you not one day when I was driving to work I seen this guy riding a bike with 2 10s on the back just bumping as he went down the side walk lmao
  16. Well put a bunch of weight in the back and get LOTS and LOTS of ducktape. I think you can figure the rest out lol.
  17. Yeah and I called my bank to check and it turns out they charged me like 10 bucks to cancel my order.
  18. Alright I made a order last wensday from online car stereo and they told me my subs have been sent to the back and it will take 24 to 48 hours to ship, ok that's not big deal. I checked today to see if they shipped yet and they still havnt. So I give them a call to see what's going on with my order, after waiting on hold for a little over 30 min they told me my order is not going to be shipped because they do not have them in stock and it looks like those subs are discontinued and they asked if there's anything else they can do for me and I told them I want wanted to cancel my order and they said ok we will send you a email confirming the cancellation. So I got the email and that's the first email I had got from them since I made the order, and when I have talked to the guy in sales when I had made the order last week he said it wouldn't be long to get them... So now I'm really pissed because they never tried contacting me in any way to tell me they don't have the subs and the were just holding my money the entire time...
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