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412 CVX

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Everything posted by 412 CVX

  1. My dog had to be put down a few days ago. I hadn't cried in years, but she was my best friend. i feel you man, this shit sucks. it's like a part of you is missing and it will never come back. you never really get over losing a loved one.
  2. It's not necessary. mainly it just helps smooth out airflow through the port. but with a low power setup like yours, it's not really that important. more than likely you won't hear a difference at all.
  3. the physical port length is the sum of those two lengths, plus the thickness of the wood (.75)
  4. the physical port length is measured along the inside of the port wall, the port length you entered is measured throughout the middle of the port. i'll try to find a pic for you
  5. pair of 15's 5k + ported box
  6. why did you buy your subs before you knew how much space you had?
  7. actually, you don't have near enough volume for a pair of 15s
  8. so model it in sketchup. the physical port length is the length of the inside walls of the port
  9. 12 volt isn't as accurate. torres automatically accounts for port displacement. try shrinking the port area some to like 5.5 or 5.75 to get more volume. 17 per cube is unnecessary for the driver you have in there.
  10. give it about .5 more cubic feet of volume.
  11. If you need a design, shoot me a PM. i'd be glad to design something for you.
  12. Go with 12's or a single 15. you don't have room for 2 15's.
  13. That doesn't help at all. if you wanna be as loud as possible, go with more cone area if you can fit it. if you want trunk space, go with 12's. but to know whether or not you have the space to run 15's, you'd need to know your trunk dimensions. so go measure your trunk and post the results here, or we can't help you.
  14. You're choosing between a pair of 12s or a pair of 15's? if so, the dimensions of the space you have would be helpful.
  15. aeroports can bend. and all 3 have to be 21".
  16. try adding another 4" port. i was guessing with port area when i recommended that to you.
  17. There is no "best" there is no "perfect", it's all a matter of personal opinion.
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