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Status Updates posted by KeithHollis

  1. Cant go to sleep, so im gonna clean my room.. Thank you Pier Uberti and Keaton Alexander for that wonderful gift before lunch that has lasted all day, and all night -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Somebodies tweakin'.

    3. Craig28


      Someone robotrippin? that'll keep ya up for a while.

    4. ineeDBass419


      somebody have butt sex with his boyfriends and cant get it off his mind..lol

  2. So this meeting was supposed to start when?? Imma bring this shit up when i have to be at reliant at 7:45 "promptly"...

  3. Just wrote my english paper in 30 minutes. I feel like i wrote it well, and followed directions but lets see how good my grade is :/

  4. Anyone with any truck come help lee, call for directions

  5. So I just got done with my english paper. 860 words plus extra points for turning it in a day early, IMMA FUCKING BAWWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. "Real Fact" #713 - An egg that is fresh will sink in water, but a stale one wont.

  7. I dont frickin get it... I have 4 bars and 4G and my phone still wont load anything! Im about to flip shit

  8. And my week just keeps getting worse...

  9. Looks like imma be free this weekend, any ladies wanna have fun HMU :D

    1. Bigsix


      uh..... this aint facebook... queer.

  10. Hopefully tomorrow is a good day, because today sucked.. Woke up late, Subs weren't working, found out that im no going to new orleans, and spent alls my money on gas and fuses for my power wire.

  11. I hate idiots who abuse their rich daddy's car tryin to show off to their girlfriends by doing a one tire fryer, hitting the rev limiter. Dumbasses...

  12. I like how some people "Rig" things together, and try to call "Custom"

    1. blownengine


      I swear most of my projects are initially held together by hot glue until I revise the idea.

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      those things are called caucasian alterations my friend

    3. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      those things are called caucasian alterations my friend

  13. So im like so close to just asking her but the aftermath may be too hard to handle....

    1. bcpballer64


      asking the big one?

  14. So one more year is in the books, and to be honest it has been the best year (so far). From a new nephew, to a car, and all the friends i have, there is so much to be thankful for! Now we move on to 2012. I know that some people set new years resolutions but there's a few things that i really am going to set myself to. 1, Graduating high school with a B average. 2, Get a job. and most importantly 3, getting healthy. I truely plan to eat healthier and quit some bad habits. TBH i dont have any ...

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