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Rev. Wrath

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Everything posted by Rev. Wrath

  1. It's in the 60's in Oklahoma, but we are getting a ridiculous amount of earthquakes. I'd rather have snow.
  2. Man, I'm sorry to hear that. It's tough losing a parent at a young age. I lost my father when I was 11. I've lived more of my life without him than I did with him, but not a day goes by that I don't think about him. The best thing you can do is live your life trying to make her proud.
  3. If you happen to get one with rear captians chairs, something I've always wanted to see is a clamshell type enclosure with 4 12's below the window line. Basically like what you would see in a blowthrough in a truck, just in an SUV. Then you could make the top look real nice and sit flush with all the panels and all that. I think it could be pretty sick if it was done right.
  4. The scope is a Nikon Buckmaster 6-18x40. Not the best, but not the worst either. I might look into another Leupold for this rifle. I've always liked them. And yeah, I would have rather had a .308, but this was available and I needed a new deer/target rifle. The AR was fun, but just not practical for what I needed. Yes the stock is bedded. It actually has a piece of aluminum that runs the length of the stock that the action is mounted to. I think the police-issues all came with this stock. Just in case anyone was wondering, the barrel is fully floated, but I think most new bolt guns are floated.
  5. I just traded my AR for this. It's a police issue Remington model 700 chambered in .223. I've shot several model 700's, and this is definitely the nicest to date. I hope I did the image code right.
  6. Find a different gun shop. I will never buy something before I can hold it in my hand. X2. I wouldn't buy a gun that I couldn't shoot first. It's too big of a purchase. Would you buy a car you couldn't test drive?
  7. When you go to buy a gun, don't tell the salesman it's "Just for fun" or "To play with". Tell them you will be using it for target shooting.
  8. Spend some money on heat shrink tube if you decide to use it. I've used the cheap stuff before, and it doesn't seem to shrink as much as it should. Also, butt connectors will hold great if you crimp them right. If you look inside the connector, there is a seam on the metal tube. Make sure the punch part of the crimpers is 180 degrees away from the seam when you compress and it will hold forever. I personally don't use them anymore because it's something else to add resistance to the wire whereas twisting and soldering basically makes one continuous wire... And I got tired of buying them lol. Hope this helps.
  9. The first step is hooking gauges up to it. It may just be low on freon. If you go to any auto parts store, they will have R-134a you can buy with a gauge attached to it. If the pipe going in to the evaporator (in to your firewall) is REALLY cold and getting frosty your orifice tube is most likely clogged. It's an easy fix, but not something that can be done at home unless you have a vacuum pump handy. Edit: Did you jump the compressor at the pressure switch? If so, don't do this too often because you will burn up your compressor. The pressure switch is there to protect the compressor from high AND low pressure. Hope this helps. Anything else, just ask here. I'll do my best to help.
  10. Wow!!! Those ARE nice. I might just be making a purchase today lol.
  11. I hope you can translate this back to brazialian. It doesn't seem like you would lose that much power using the steel bolt terminals. If it worries you that much, just use the holes you have drilled for the bolts and run your wires through them then silicone them up to seal it. EDIT: You could also run the wires through your port if that is an option. As far as using the all-thread for strengthening, I've always heard wood is better for bracing because it won't flex as much. By the way, the word "Boner" has a completely different meaning in English lol.
  12. Lol that's too funny. Same thing happened to me only I was looking for a 1/0 fuse holder and the guy didn't have any. What kind of stereo shop doesn't have at least one 1/0 fuse holder in stock? Not even a 1/0 wiring kit. I lol'd all the way home.
  13. 1999 Monte is a pretty common car, so it should be pretty easy to find at a local stereo shop or even a Best Buy or something. If it were me, I would even postpone the install a couple days to order one in if I had to because I've found that the pin-out charts you find on the Internet/Haynes manuals aren't always right. A 1999 might be different color wires than a 1998 or a 2000. Not trying to dog you or your ability, just saying it might save you a bunch of headaches.
  14. Reading through this, and it sounds like you are going to cut the factory wiring harness (the one coming from the car). If this is the case, I highly advise against it. It is worth the 10-20 dollars it costs for an adapter. This way, if you ever want to go back to stock, say like to trade it in, it's waaaaayyyy easier. If i mis-read and you are getting an adapter, then carry on. You're doing it right lol.
  15. IMO, the next logical step would be a tuner, if they make one for that particular make/model/year/engine combiniation. I'm sure they do because of the popularity of Jeeps and the abundance of the 5.9. Check out superchips or JET. If they don't make a tuner, look for an in-line programming module. Either option should get you better mileage and moar powa!!! Hope this helps.
  16. I couldn't see real well, but it looks like the lower shock eyelet is hanging below the scrub line. This is dangerous not to mention illegal in most states. If he wanted it lower for cheap, actually free, why didn't he just take out a leaf spring? That's what I did on an old truck of mine years ago and it rode smoother. But, I do think it looks pretty good other than that.
  17. I've lived in the country for the past five years or so, and have come to learn that field mice are a bitch to keep out of your house. Everyone has already confirmed what I was gonna say, but snap traps and peanut butter FTW!!! And the steel wool in the holes in the walls makes a big difference. Edit: I also got some barn cats to live outside plus my cat inside. I know that's not really an option in an apartment, but if you aren't alergic, a cat is a great deterent for mice.
  18. Just finished up a trade deal with siccostyle and couldn't be more pleased. Packaging was great and I was always kept in the loop as to what was going on. Highly recommended, I would definitely do business with again. A++++++++
  19. Great seller here!!! Responded quickly to PMs and notified me of tracking info immediately when items shipped. Would definitely do business with again.
  20. Maybe she feels bad and wanted you to know there are no hard feelings???
  21. Do you still have these? If so, 40 shipped for the whole package?
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