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Everything posted by conley916

  1. I have to buy a camera now too lol fuuuuughk. Haha yeah I need a good one, ones I have don't show flex to much my buddy has a Sony HDX or something like that it a high def version of a vx2100 so i'll probably have him film it I guess.
  2. Thanks man and yeah I kinda did too but we'll see what happens haha I think the box should be fine but if anything happens we'll just make another one and use screws lol. Thanks again for that amp!!
  3. After I dynamat the back wall I plan on bolting it to it so it won't go anywhere and on top of that we're going to build a battery holder that will be as tall as the box so it all looks like one piece and to make it a wider/tighter fit. But thanks!
  4. My buddy has a similar setup and my friend Ben built his box with just glue also and he's had no issues so im not worried about it one bit.
  5. Haha for sure, that'll be sick though about the yota. Put pics up when you get it.
  6. Thats sick, I wanted to bag my truck at first but now I think im just going to end up doing like a 5/8 drop on it and call it a day. Do you plan on bodydropping it?
  7. homemade circle jig Joey puttin' in work Just a mock up to see how the box would fit, im going to build a new stand for the box to sit on haha that thing was for my three type r's and is obviously way too small. painted the box flat black but I think im going to end up carpeting it, not sure if I like the paint. the paint on my dash was chipping so I convinced my buddy Kolton to start sanding it so I can re-paint it and Joey was relocating my amp for my mids/highs under the passenger seat from the back wall.
  8. Before even going into this Ben said that he didn't want to use any screws/nails so the only thing holding the box together is glue. Ben and I both agreed and said f-it and doubled up the 3/4 MDF all the way around so the whole box is an inch and a half.(no we did not take up air space just made some pieces longer) Ben about to cut some of the port off
  9. i like em alot! i dont know retail on em but you can email [email protected] for prices i got a damn good deal on mine and i love em! will do, thanks!
  10. well we're building my box at my buddies shop and he took it upon himself to make the whole box 1in 1/2 all the way around and this is what I stumbled on when I got to his shop yesterday. We are finishing it up later today, it's 4:38am and im drunk and tired. Goodnight.
  11. I need to get new components, how do you like your T3s?
  12. That's awesome man, I need to save up $$$ for my Level 5 18 and then i'll make a vid of my 3.5k producing.
  13. I wish I lived in Texas because this would be sweet to hear in person.
  14. where at in nor cal do you live? I'd be really interested in hearing your system sometime, thing looks awesome. And did you make the DC logo on your box? I kinda want to do something like that on the new box im building.

  15. That's sick man, what system do you plan on building? I need to order more 1/0 soon.
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