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Everything posted by getlocivic

  1. ping pong is fun i got real good when i went to prison bc we got 2 hrs of rec time a day..and thats all i did was play ping pong
  2. Too bad its the same shit with a different sticker Edit: customer service ftmfw though shuirken cases are made differnetly than kinetiks.. harder plastic.. ive had a few kinetiks swell up and lose charge ive NEVER had a issue with shuriken shurikens are also proven to have a higher reating voltage than kinetik and hold up better in high amp draw
  3. even tho its required by law in you 1st year of riding you must wear a helmet.. but honestly guys when you go somewhere how many motorcycle riders do you see in full riding gear? not many at all bc shits so uncomfortable.. in 10 riders you might have 1 maybe 2 guys with riding gear if you dont ride like a retard everywhere you will be ok.. doing 150mph yea will get ya killrf
  4. You must be one of the guys who wanna learn the hard way. EVERYONE crashes eventually. never said i aint crashed just choose to spend money on the bike instead of clothing.. theres only so much "learning" you can get when uve rode a bike for 24yrs
  5. Just cause you dont use gear doesnt mean everybody has to be that stupid, saying gear is for pussies. Lets see how you hold up in regular jeans and a 40-50mph crash, without even hitting something, just gliding along. i have before tight curve going to fast lost control and slid about 80ft on the left side..i got scraped up pretty bad but thats all.. i know about 30ppl who ride around me none feel the need to spend 800 plus on a decent riding suit. id rather put that said money into the bike not clothing... a leather jacket is nice tho for the colder days or long rides ..my wife bought me a alpinestars leather for xmas 3 yrs ago..ive worn it twice i think
  6. ive never used "gear" full riding outfit is for pussys.. i do however tend to wear pants more often than shorts when riding (shorts ride up on ur legs real fast lol)..i wear whatevers confortable also be SURE to do the maintenance regualr.. (valves tight oil changed tires good chain and sprocket good) i run a little bit more oil in my biike that way when u pull wheelies it doesnt dry the sump out also be careful a streetbike is NOTHING like a little dirtbike..take it very easy at first.. (hint.. when you turn around corners dont turn the bars lean the bike.. my cousin tried turning the cars around a corner and flipped himself) cops LOVE pulling bikes over.. so ALWAYS make sure you have proper paperwork etc i have a 2006 suzuki gsxr600 with right at 24k miles on it .. kawasaki's are known for clangy valves too
  7. you can easily fit 1 more 12 in there lose the seat and get some bass
  8. unhook the wet cell battery.. thats what i did until i decided it was too much of a pain in the ass so i got another xs power for under the hood
  9. you cannot "converT" a sub to a btl unless you swap motors you simply put new softparts in any sub you recone... NOT converting it lol and the subs wouldnt have the same ts specs n such so it would be pointless
  10. capacitors dont work worth a damn they store INSTANT power and as soon as the cap is drained it then in return draws power from your batteries on top of what your amps are already trying to pull so ur batteries will never catch up.. and ever see them caps with pretty lil lights on them?? ive seen them come on and off during the day n night and drain the battery dead so ditch the cap and i bet money u see a improvement
  11. my girls box is 38" wide.. i went wider to save on depth.. bc a g6 doesnt have a very big trunk
  12. just use spray foam.. the most common and easiest to use.. them just cover the foam with cardboard and carpet it etc.. foam is a total bitch to remove tho.. when i decided to tear my wall out of the old car and foam stuck so well to the roof..and my sound deadener it actually pulled some of it down when i was pulling like a mofo..
  13. i KNOW im going to get flamed for this but ive watched many meade videos and i think its funny as hell when he always braces himself in the seat and moves his head like the bass is making it move.. at any rate i cant wait for the new smd series to come out..im sure 1 of my buddies will be buying one
  14. i recently got 2 sa 10s in local trade.. they seem to like 1.2 cubes ported when i got them they were in .8 cubic foot sealed box per sub and it was impressive for sealed box
  15. takes awhile to track down og rockford parts.. but it does you no good if he dropped it and bent the pole piece shifted the motor etc.. tear it apart and see
  16. there are not recones available check to see if 1 of the magnet slugs shifted.. other than that throw it away
  17. Regardless if you came to my shop or not my pockets will still stay fat. Great attitude. I'm not here to impress you, I ask a simple question, I didn't ask were you would go or wat you would do.... Regardless of wat one person says I like to have multiple opinion on products , not base my judgement on a 1 or two people. bc clearly you dont have a clue which is better even tho like other ppl said your A "dealer".. dealers should really know this info so if your so smart why did you even make a thread about this.. im gonna make a thread about my daily poop..and see what ppls opinions are about that/// right?
  18. i like it hate the voice tho lol i think it should be your voice giving instructions...little bit easier to understand
  19. I used audioque formula thats cool your still not wroking with 19 cubes net.. thats gross volume without any ports bracing and woofers.. id do 4x 6" aeros or 2 maybe 3 8" aeros
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