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Real96SS last won the day on January 9 2012

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About Real96SS

  • Birthday 04/26/1982

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    Las Vegas, Nevada
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    Anything that interest me LoL!!!

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  1. If anybody on here is contacted by RodeoSport about buying something from you, be aware that it sounds like he's trying a scam to have you ship it to someone in the states and he wants to pay with bank transfer. Beware!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Real96SS


      Mac just so you know if his address is not confirmed your not covered.Just because you put the money into your bank account doesn't mean Paypal wont keep after you and freeze your paypal account until they collect the money back.If you do decide to go through with it be aware that they do send fake Paypal emails saying they paid when they didnt so make sure you check your paypal by going directly to Paypal and not through the link in the email to see if the money is really in your account...

    3. Trey_Dog650


      also if paypal is linked to your account, they can just the money back without letting you know i believe

    4. Mac N Cheese

      Mac N Cheese

      ok thanks, yeah I will take caution if I do decide to sell to him.  Most likely not now.  Thanks for the heads up guys.

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