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SMD Silver Member
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Status Replies posted by Kyblack76

  1. I'm pretty excited, tomorrow I get my 220A Singer alt in my car :D

  2. I'm pretty excited, tomorrow I get my 220A Singer alt in my car :D

  3. I'm pretty excited, tomorrow I get my 220A Singer alt in my car :D

  4. Finally building my box today! :) ...27-28 Hz tuning sound good

  5. Yesterday's Taco Bell is making epic bathroom breaks today.

  6. Is it weird when a chick says she "just wants to see them do it", referring to my dog and another neighbors dog of the same breed? She is early 20's, good looking, and Columbian or Venezualan(can't remember).

  7. 10am Tomorrow we go live and i give away the T2500.1bd! I will get everything ready tonight and make an announcement when i get ready to go live on Ustream. Sound good?

  8. Is it weird when a chick says she "just wants to see them do it", referring to my dog and another neighbors dog of the same breed? She is early 20's, good looking, and Columbian or Venezualan(can't remember).

  9. Is it weird when a chick says she "just wants to see them do it", referring to my dog and another neighbors dog of the same breed? She is early 20's, good looking, and Columbian or Venezualan(can't remember).

  10. Hit the dentist again today......and yep, more not good news.........there goes my new amp/drivers..... oh well, bring it, and, lets have a drink....

  11. What is a good amp to throw on to a pair of brutus 12d4 subwoofers. They are 600 rms each.

  12. What is a good amp to throw on to a pair of brutus 12d4 subwoofers. They are 600 rms each.

  13. If anyone.needs a sundown 4500 hit up Mike Bridge he needs it gone asap!

  14. If anyone.needs a sundown 4500 hit up Mike Bridge he needs it gone asap!

  15. If anyone.needs a sundown 4500 hit up Mike Bridge he needs it gone asap!

  16. If anyone.needs a sundown 4500 hit up Mike Bridge he needs it gone asap!

  17. Been drinking Jager since 5. Time to sharpen my driving skills.

  18. Nothing but hanging out in the back yard, blanket on the grass, drinks in hand,with the dogs. There is suppose to be a awesome meteor shower,.... yeah.. us dorks are into it...

  19. Nothing but hanging out in the back yard, blanket on the grass, drinks in hand,with the dogs. There is suppose to be a awesome meteor shower,.... yeah.. us dorks are into it...

  20. Nothing but hanging out in the back yard, blanket on the grass, drinks in hand,with the dogs. There is suppose to be a awesome meteor shower,.... yeah.. us dorks are into it...

  21. Vids up, check my build log.

  22. Started removing everything from the car,.... I just dont know if i can do it.....????

  23. Lowballer called me a "prick" because I called her, yes HER, a piece of shit. Excuse for lowball, "thats all the money I have, or else I'd pay what you're asking". Fuck off biatch.

  24. Lowballer called me a "prick" because I called her, yes HER, a piece of shit. Excuse for lowball, "thats all the money I have, or else I'd pay what you're asking". Fuck off biatch.

  25. Hoping to do my big3 this weekend.

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