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Status Updates posted by kbass302

  1. the cops came to my house yesterday and apparently my dogs have been chasing kids on bikes... i told him to lay off the drugs because my dogs dont ride bikes.cops these days.

  2. prom update: 27 year old cozy managers don't think its a good idea being a 17 year olds date to highschool prom. women these days.

    1. n8ball2013


      shocking. imagine a grown up not wanting to hang out with kids.

  3. i want a buffalo. people riding bufflos look so cool!i want to be "that guy on a buffalooooooo"

  4. Why is abbreviation such a long word?

    1. blownengine


      Hmmmm interesting thought

  5. whats that restaurant you like with all that goofy stuff on the wall, and the mozzarella sticks?

  6. Startin a gang with my homies.

    1. KillaCam


      That's always a good Sunday activity..

  7. Nick Ellis: we got the same answer!!me: duh.. you cheated off of me.Nick: no, i know how to do it... but its sooo much easier when you do.solid effort nick. :)

  8. That feeling when a family that you're not actually related to, tells you that you are apart of it. Priceless. :)

  9. im dreaming of a white "insert word here with a comment".

    1. kandiman71874


      Its CHRISTMAS!!!! If you are afraid you may offend someone saying it, then you are part of the reason all of this crap has come about.

    2. Bigsix


      I was dreaming of a white female, early 20s, nice boobs, good rack, and mute so she cant bitch....

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