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Everything posted by loganberry

  1. the first one should work http://www.plasmaled.com/led_flasher.htm i kinda wanted one with a "keyfob" remote, but if not thats ok
  2. can you please post a link to the 12 amp one? that sounds like it would be perfect and no im not a fireman/police/emt anything like that, i just want them on the truck for late night shows..parties..whenever to have fun
  3. that would work great, but i want them to flash by themselves, i just want something as strong as that but for strobes
  4. which one? i posted up 3 and there are alot more lol..i dont wanna guess and then get it and be up a creek again and not be sure which one will work and have to send it back and wait even longer, catch my drift? lol
  5. i dont need a whole kit, i got more lights than i want to use, i just need the module lol...ebay has tons of modules, i just wanna make sure its strong enough
  6. let me text him, i think he wants white but if i tell him you have flat black he might want that
  7. let me know how much first so i can get money from him...he wants it as soon as possible
  8. or http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/heavy-duty-led-light-strobe-emergency-controller-bin_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQitemZ170476440491QQsspagenameZRSSQ3aBQ3aSRCHQ3aUSQ3a101
  9. i got all the lights wired in my truck but i broke the control box so i need another that is strong enough to power them all, i have 2 lights under the rear bumper, 2 under the front, and 1 in each tail light and headlight, im wanting just simple flashing mode or whatever and pretty inexpensive i found this but idk if it will work http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/flashing-strobe-wireless-controller-12v-led-lights-neon_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQitemZ350140785621QQsspagenameZRSSQ3aBQ3aSRCHQ3aUSQ3a101 or this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/automotive-strobe-controller-turns-leds-into-strobes_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQitemZ170238955382QQsspagenameZRSSQ3aBQ3aSRCHQ3aUSQ3a101 thanks for the help
  10. Birch is stronger and lighter than mdf which is why its more expensive...if they don't have that I guess you could use ply, just double it all up and glass the inside
  11. i like the blacked out windows, tint can make a huge difference..now i miss my tint
  12. if they are on your myspace they are on your computer, make a photo bucket account, upload them all using bulk uploader, then generate html/img codes, and paste the img codes here
  13. a guy i sold a factory replacement deck to over a month ago comming to me on paypal saying its not what he asked for, then calling paypal and them telling me the emails i have are useless!! FUCK THAT
  14. how much are you willing to spend?
  15. hey preston, my cousin wants a windshield sized one that says "black betty" (its the name of his jeep i guess) same body style as yours, think you could throw a picture of that style jeep on each end? lmk how much for both ways
  16. Saw these on facebook, I'm jealous id love to have one of those
  17. The day is go a full 24 hours without breaking a law is the day I win the lotto
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