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Borris The Blade

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Status Replies posted by Borris The Blade

  1. my nephew is a fucking asshole, no matter how many times we bail him out of jail, fix his car for free, let him live under our roof for free, he still continues with his asshole ways. I say it's time to kick him to the curb and see how long he lasts without our help.

  2. Ever had a surge protector for your surge protector for your surge protector?

  3. Got 3 now, but still need at least one more Solo X motor... I know it's out there somewhere waiting for me to find it

  4. Damn, what a shitty day. First the Fedex bullshit, now this; wife and I were supposed to go sign the papers for the new house on Friday. The agent just called me and said the builder is adding $10,000 to the price, effective tomorrow. That's convenient.

  5. Sweet! Got my 2nd DC 5.0K in today, o'lady wasn't mad at all! She seemed as happy as I! Ahh that always makes life a little better... now to get this Cruiser up and playing! With 10K+ on the sub stage, I might add :)

  6. Its a great day..... for me to whoop somebody's ass!

  7. Its a great day..... for me to whoop somebody's ass!

  8. DC Soundlab 10k gut pic??

  9. Made it. Top floor of the Nugget Casino. Shooting the shit with Jon. Perfect weather, fun ass day. Bout ready to cut and get some wire in my hands. Great looking stuff. Also about ready to load up, and hit DC,HQ. Stoked to see our gear. ;). Pics/vids are being take. Cheers all.

  10. beginning to think there is not a person on this earth that does not smoke bud

  11. Anyone know how to get $ off a pre-paid credit card without ATM fees? Mucho Appreciation if you do!

  12. You would know that when I can't drive I'd find the truck I want, in the color I want, in like new condition, at a price I can agree on.

  13. Is he pinned down? Do they have him?

  14. Is he pinned down? Do they have him?

  15. Is he pinned down? Do they have him?

  16. wanna post this video so bad... but i know butthurt will flow lol

  17. First day off in 12 days, yeah its fucking Miller time.

  18. First day off in 12 days, yeah its fucking Miller time.

  19. Cold enough to freeze the nuts off a steel bridge out there....

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