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Everything posted by Clif

  1. be kinda hard to get some morels, dont have a dealer in this state, so pretty much limited to online and ebay.
  2. Nope She be a V8 Regular unleaded. Be sweet if it was a diesel though. Really dont know what I will do for the system though, it will be all SQ not so much on the spl side but it will have some bump. Fisrt got to get a new bat for it, probly just get a nice yeller top opti. and oil, plugs and wires should get this thing running. Its all licenced and got plates so when it runns im going to take a nice strol into town to see what people think. But anyone got some unique ideers for it?
  3. So today I got a phone call from the brother, and well it was not what i was expecting. After driving into town and meeting with a guy I end up buying this: 1973 Merceades Benze 280 SEL Got it for only 100 bucks!!!! Its starting to warm up now getting around the 50s so maby attempt to get this bad boy running this or next week. Other plans for it would be fixing the rust, painting it black, get some parts chromed, tint the windows and a nice system to go with it. Let me know what you think!!
  4. HAHAHAHAhahaha Thats funny May have to try some of those! Friggin halarious!
  5. me and a buddy of mine seem to have the same prob, you tube works, but photobucket dose not it told me it upgraded it but still nothing, im running 32 bit vista brand new laptop so i dont know whats up with it.
  6. i would guess its some kind of trademark for the trill enter. So when you here a song with that in it you know who produced it, but thats just a wild guess at it, be sweet to find that song though.
  7. grew 600 in a month! that is just nuts, i wonder what next month will bring?
  8. Most users ever online was 801 on Today, 10:21 PM i think everytime i look at it, it goes up a few more!
  9. there ya go, if your lazy and dont want to jump it or cant jump it, take it to o'reillys and they will take care of ya
  10. x2 on the jumping of the car, it usually works for me. My chime went out and yea do i need to say more? I would jump it and let it run for a while and it will be fine. Or go to like an oriely auto parts and bring the bat in there and be like can i get my batery tested? and they will charge it up before they test it.
  11. I say over 1000 by then end of april would be easy
  12. i never seen those to much, i saw 2 of them on ebay a bit ago. I got 3 of the cd60.0lx the 2400 watt mono blocks, i really love them.... what you planning to use the amps for?
  13. Most users ever online was 626 on Today, 03:30 PM ! Wow, seems like every week were getting like 20 more! Just keeps growing meade! Keep it up!
  14. Um i dont know if its 2400 watts but i would think its dang close, i will have to test it on somethen sometime. I used to have one of these pushing 2 10" and 1 15" cvrs running in tri mode. It worked out nice and it made them thump like no other. I think its by far the best amp i ever bought for 170 bucks. And they come with a one year warrnty that i just took aadvantage of but yea i will have to get back to you on the actual power.
  15. Im looking for some new tens. Just built a box for some and threws some cvrs in them.... Well the cvrs are almost blown. Guess they dont like 1000 watts rms Anywase looking for some new tens that can do around 1000 rms. Dont want to spend to much. I was thinking about 2 10" Alpine type Rs. If anyone has some of those or somethen around 1000 rms between the 2 subs let me know. Looken for somethen.
  16. YEA thas what im doing, going to eat a ton of food then do some work. Going to go hit up mexican village, and get me some free desert!!
  17. eh nothen really got way to much work to do today to celebrate. maby this weekend do some partyen and go hit up the casino.
  18. Yea mine should pop on there to, just had to put it in the personal info. Turning 19 today. Whoopty
  19. I was going to post somethen like that but i guess i got beat to the punch.
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