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Everything posted by Clif

  1. love my hp. got one for school little high priced cause i needed a nice one for school but you cen get a few mods down. But if you do get a hp get one with a bigger bat. Its a lil spendy but your laptop will last forever, gives you a nice handle to hang on to, and when its on a table it elevates it so its kinda easier to type on.
  2. your right on the baby soap. to apply it get some water and add a few drops of baby soap. dont add to much or you will get streaks in the tint. get a razor and make sure your window is supper supppppppper clean. and take your time. One thing though with the pre cut cheap stuff on ebay is they use cheap film. and cheap film is verry thin and can be a pain to put on. If your going to do it yourself i would spend the extra bucks and buy some nice precut stuff.
  3. so got a few works in progress Got a bunch of other pics of ideas just dont have the time to work on it right now on a thursty night
  4. Count me in Cliff Scepurek St. Cloud Minni-Sota
  5. probly that and they are relizeing that if they keep selling it so high the demand for it will drop so much quicker due to people having more motivation to be more efficient. That and maybe they relize what gas prices is doing to the economy?
  6. Here in St cloud it is still 3.17, was down in big lake last night and its 3.06 there so it wont be long till its under 3 We should get a midwest or minnesota meet!
  7. yea no i can remember how many man hours i put just into my rear bumper to make it purrty.
  8. Yea so great way to start off a (what day is it wednesday?) so yea on my way to class (on time for once) and im sitting at a stop sign waiting to turn and i look up in my mirror and see this big suv chuggen along. Did they stop? Of coarse not, SPLEWPH rear eneded me good. So now i get to go and get a quote to fix me up. Sad thing is i just got my new body kit on there to. and well the back bumper that i took on there really held up well but took most of the blow and its pretty much a gooooner. the fun thing is a body kit for my car runs about 8 or 900 bucks (sebring convertible). So i cant wait to see this quote. be intresting. Other then that im good. What else is crakin here?
  9. Vm9471 i think is the mod i will look later its nice many features, looken for 350.
  10. You went to that? I was going to go but could not get off work... was it a good concert?
  11. Got any idea what he was around? I got 2 se's that should be here friday
  12. how loud do you want it? And if there is more room to take out the seats you can make a bigger ported box and that will get ya some good sound.
  13. if they fit on my s 10 i would get them, but then i would have to get a nice set of muddin tires to go with them
  14. yea i saw that and the search brought me nothin so i posted this.
  15. Anyone on here from the mn area? or even the st. cloud are? Any clubs or anthing around here?
  16. You can either get a 401k plan (allot of companies with match a % that you put into it) or either if you have a savings aand a checking with the same bank you can set it up to have them make biweekly or monthly transfers from one account to the other.
  17. Maybe if he has like 12 12s sealed... im assuming he ment 2 12s and that in a sealed box would be amazing if true.
  18. Don't think that is true. Its all about the input voltage being around 13 so to get 2 kwatts you going to be 150 plus amps. Now on the output side of your amp it is ac and also a higher voltage around 63v(if running at 2 ohms) so you only have 31 amps of current going through your wire. Also you have a much longer distance from your bat to your amp then your amp to your sub. The wire has a resistance through it naturally so if you have a long run and need allot of current your going to have a big power lead. Cliff
  19. are you using the plans i gave you? or diffrent ones? and yes you can either cut the port length down, or either add some internal volume to it by means of 2x or somethen else.
  20. do you have domelight supervision hooked up? if so is it hooked up to a door trigger? if so is it isolated with a diode?
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