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Status Replies posted by Leo1103

  1. hmm do I go to sbn or buy an amp? decisions decisions

  2. hmm do I go to sbn or buy an amp? decisions decisions

  3. anyone know of some ideas to mount amp under seat? i was thinking of rubber/plastic extenders to keep the amp off the ground, yet have it drilled into the chasis

  4. 3 page paper on techniques on collecting blood and jizz.

  5. 3 page paper on techniques on collecting blood and jizz.

  6. My new baby: a> I should be getting the overnighted paperwork today, sendin them my down payment on the 7th, then it gets crated up and sent to my shop. Woot.

  7. its amazing how stupid some people can be with computers

  8. only good part about it being cold out. I can stick a warm beer in a snow bank and twenty minutes later its frosty.

  9. only good part about it being cold out. I can stick a warm beer in a snow bank and twenty minutes later its frosty.

  10. All I know is I'm gna get shithoused regardless of who wins

  11. All I know is I'm gna get shithoused regardless of who wins

  12. All I know is I'm gna get shithoused regardless of who wins

  13. My Super Bowl prediction....... I'll have at least 1 arrest by half time and score 2 phone numbers.

  14. Guess we goning to the vagina monologues. Wife just bought tix.

  15. I'm ready more for the commercials than the game tonight

  16. My hell, surfin this site is AWESOME !!... Its like crack ...

  17. p2ving a 2000 server. Why in the hell is there still a w2k server?

  18. Gojo is the god of handsoaps.

  19. finally moving out of this ghetto apt... into a house!!! small garage but hell its a step in the right direction!

  20. I'd pay 300 dollars for a battery but not for a pair of sunglasses LOL BASS LIFE!

  21. Steve Meade my man do like I do, I don't know why haters motivate me so much, but then again they've made me what I am today so haters, please keep doing what you do because I sure am, don't believe me just watch...

  22. nothing is weirder than typing your own name into google and finding a bunch of other people withe the same exact name

  23. Anyone watch "The Following"...new show with Kevin Bacon...it was pretty good i thought..and I'm not hugely into watching TV.

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