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Status Replies posted by Herokight

  1. Would 8 tweets (NOT SUPERTWEETS) be too much for 4 6.5 mids and 4 8" midbass? Didn't feel like posting a new topic for such a simple question.

  2. You would know that when I can't drive I'd find the truck I want, in the color I want, in like new condition, at a price I can agree on.

  3. You would know that when I can't drive I'd find the truck I want, in the color I want, in like new condition, at a price I can agree on.

  4. Holy Crap! I now know what loud is. Great day at the comp

  5. I think I might've accidently quit smoking...

  6. I think I might've accidently quit smoking...

  7. I think I might've accidently quit smoking...

  8. I think I might've accidently quit smoking...

  9. I think I might've accidently quit smoking...

  10. bend the fuck over you piece of shit we got you mother fucker!!!!


  12. this forum is really funny sometimes lmao you can get all the attention anyone could want by acting like a jackass.. but do something cool and nobody really seems to care lmao i love it

  13. I WANT A NEW CAR TO EXPERIMENT ON SO BAD.... But I still haven't been cleared to drive, and I'm on the doctor's side on that...

  14. Oh shit... I did miss alot...

  15. Oh shit... I did miss alot...

  16. Just made my own tobacco pipe completely by hand. I feel accomplished.

  17. Just made my own tobacco pipe completely by hand. I feel accomplished.

  18. Just made my own tobacco pipe completely by hand. I feel accomplished.

  19. Never been so happy to be awake this early... For those of you that know what lucid dreaming is, I just did that through a series of back to back nightmares.

  20. Never been so happy to be awake this early... For those of you that know what lucid dreaming is, I just did that through a series of back to back nightmares.

  21. Never been so happy to be awake this early... For those of you that know what lucid dreaming is, I just did that through a series of back to back nightmares.

  22. Well I took the initiative to file my damn divorce papers myself today... My soon to be officially ex-wife strung me along for long enough so I took the initiative to pay the fees and do the shit myself I am tired of waiting

  23. I want to turn on my flamethrower right now and roast somebody, but I really don't feel like arguing this early in the morning.

  24. Somebody stole the antenna off my Countryman. No other damage, but its the principle. You don't fuck with a man's vehicle.

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