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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by Raptorman

  1. New Decaf is fuckin awesome.

  2. New Decaf is fuckin awesome.

  3. well im sick and this sucks means no money for rebuild. ohh well time to browse the forums all day

  4. Would you go from a 18" Dc Lvl 5 m1 to a 18" Crossfire XSV2?

  5. Holy Chit no status update from chillwill.. interwebs must be down in florida

  6. lol at people on other forums asking members to go to SMD to vote for them in SOTM, smh

  7. Violent pornography

  8. id like to thank purplesyrup for the awsome music edits of his. they hit hard and low

  9. Machine Head is so fucking awesome. Machine Head, Bloodbath, Behemoth, and Down. My dream concert right there.

  10. would ypu prefer a little more cone area or a little more power?

  11. purple when you see this text me 3616496992. i finally remembered what i needed to ask you

  12. purple when you see this text me 3616496992. i finally remembered what i needed to ask you

  13. Sorry about 2 statuses back to back but I feel some special right now. I just got a phone call from DC Power letting me know what was going on with me alts.Didn't ask them to call but it made my day for sure.Guess things are turning around over at DC Power.

  14. So one of my manager's at work claims he had a CRX with 32 10's on 34k doing 165, and an Accord with 2 Orion HCAA 12's doing 164...at 8300w clamped per driver. He also doesn't have any teeth and acts like a meth head, lmao.

  15. Did the forum just get an update? Just changed colors on me when I clicked to a new screen and things look a little different.

  16. Well, Buddy finally passed away last night. We were watching some movies while he was in my lap and then he just went still. Miss you man.

  17. Made a quick 30 sec vid on the way home from gettin a pizza. Shocked me with the results. Eatin then I shall upload!

  18. My dog Buddy isn't doing good at all :( probably are going to have him put down. Been my bro since I was 3 years old. Love you dude.

  19. well got my car metered finnaly today and scored a 138.7 on music

  20. if you wanna listen to dubstep go here http://plug.dj/ghost-s-dubstep/ but do it on chrome ie dosnt work

  21. First day working at the shop was fun!

  22. Anyone see the bracing Mike did for brandon??? Fucking epic....

  23. First day working at the shop was fun!

  24. Finally the PC version of Brutal Legend is coming out.

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