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Everything posted by qu1cks1lver56

  1. honestly, i cant understand half of what she's saying. i dont like it the least bit.
  2. thats actually a cool idea for someone who still needs alot of space back there.
  3. voyagers are bad as hell my buddy has one. but the glyde is sexy lookin
  4. thats a cool idea. im gonna make mine sealed though, more for sq than spl
  5. well thats cool. ill have to give one a try one of these days. im thinkin the 3/4" stuff. how do you calculate air space in a round enclosure though?
  6. so yall have seen it done before? thats cool that it will actually work though. we might have to get us a 10 foot piece and play around with it. we were thinkin about makin it sealed for sq, but jack said he's not sure about playin music with it. hell i dunno, we're just gonna have to get some and try it out.
  7. Me and a buddy were talkin about trying to make a completly round enclosure. cuz bass sounds better/air moves better with no flat surfaces right? only thing i could think of other than kurfing some big ass pieces of wood, was some of that 1/2" (or however thick it is) sewer pipe thats heavy as hell. it seems pretty dense, and ive seen it in 12"+ diameters. i may be out of my mind, but anybody think this would work?
  8. hell it broke me down and i dont have any family over there. but a good friend of mine is gettin shipped off within the next couple months.
  9. thats deffinately fake. the rims have way too much light for the pic. and look at the rear wheel, its all over the quarter panel
  10. i havent heard how shallow mounts sound, but it'd be cool to be able to have an fi sub in a reg. cab truck. hell in a crew cab silverado there still isnt much room if you wanna keep your back seats. ive seen people build a box behind the rear seat and take out the carpet behind it, but still not much depth
  11. ftmfw use it all the time. sucks about your phone bill that bitch'd be payin for that shit if it was me.
  12. man id love to get one of them from you. too bad gas is as bad as it is. gas has out an end to all of my hobbies.
  13. i use autolites in all my stuff. my truck has autolite racing ar 135's i do believe. and theyre gapless
  14. thats a clean ass box man. edit: even with them crap pics that paint job looks slick as hell.
  15. i wouldve been prompt and nice to him, till he rolled my woofer around on the pavement, thats a little uncalled for in my book.
  16. im a gm man, but here lately ive been lookin into a small yota or nissan truck for da mpg's about what do you get in that thing?
  17. looks nice, im not a toyota fan but it looks like its a pretty nice truck
  18. i lol'd pretty good at that. i can just see a woofer launching itself out of a box.
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