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Everything posted by rockFord_Expedition

  1. So i got these about a year ago, life events kept me from doing much to my ride, but here are some pics. I love these things!! The day I got them..... all signed by Mr. Meade Bonus pic of the DD-1 cuz...... SMD Just like the old RF amp guts.... nice touch TD Got them mounted up...... Video coming in a few. Going to eat while its uploading.
  2. Have owned 2 OM-1's and a VM-1 for about a year. Just installed them today. Life......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deathcards


      i have had my b2 4-channel for 4 months and my 3-way speakers for 2 only the 4 channel made the install so far

    3. rockFord_Expedition


      Well, ill be peepin your work for sure wood.

    4. Wood
  3. So awesome that you guys get to do stuff like this together. One day your son will be showing his son what he learned from you. You know how you had that nostalgic feeling seeing your grandpa in the Denny's commercial? This project reminds me of when I would help my dad work on cars in our carport when I was a kid. The kind of feeling that money can't buy. Really good stuff going on here.
  4. Kyle is knowledgable, don't ignore him. Just give him hugs and kisses like I do.
  5. It's just Kyle's personality. He's a harmless little sweetheart, don't take offense man. Take some time to read through some threads, you'll get to know peoples personalities. There are repercussions when someone is completely out of line, but sarcasm doesn't warrant that. The mods are pretty on top of stuff around here. Just bring some thick skin, take the sarcasm with a grain of salt, and there's much to be learned here.
  6. It's been 5 days, should i just keep waiting or shot him an email? I realize he probably has better stuff to do on the weekends than check for new subscriptions. Payment id# ID #6JJ54135H53520040 Email address: [email protected]
  7. They have some cool videos on their site that will answer just about all of that. They're really good from the electrical standpoint, but if you put one under your hood I'd wrap it to protect it from heat.
  8. Tired of sitting on my ass. Going to put my VM-1 up in my overhead console

  9. Are you asking for someone to design a box for you? Post your max dimensions so maybe someone will help
  10. Being an outsider looking in, what gets me is how humble he was by not telling a soul that he was in a nationally televised commercial.
  11. My 03 expedition (same under the hood layout as Breezy's Navigator) leaves no room for a heat shield of any kind, and here in southern AZ it gets hot under these hoods. The only charging this thing ever got was from the DC270xp under the hood. I can't say any of this is the manufacturers fault, but at the same time I don't feel I was negligent nor did I abuse the battery. Just a real expensive lesson I guess.
  12. It's cool bro. Even though it's not him in the commercial Maybe it was him reaching out to you that you guys found it. You did nothing wrong, don't feel bad brotha.
  13. Have you had a chance to show your kids yet? Did you just stumble across it by luck?
  14. Sounds like a very humble man. What are the odds that one of the 3 guys that sat with him is a member here?? That would be awesome.
  15. I'm relatively a noob. Been here over 2 years. Member 73370 or something like that. Awesome that Meade started this on my birthday!! Congrats Steve. Did you ever dream you would have this much of a following? "Christmas in July" iirc was the YouTube video that reeled me in, watching some dude upgrade from 20kw to 30kw made me about shit myself. Seeing all those amps layed out, and Anthony (I think it was him) sprawled out across them on the floor, I had never seen so much awesome gear all in the same vehicle..... Man. Sorry, was getting all nostalgic and shit. Cheers bro.
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