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Everything posted by korey_hofer

  1. http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/index.php/t-555565.html#post7042923 what do you think? personally I would love to be able to own fully automatic weapons and destructive devices. Hell even with an extra tax and required classes/license
  2. the wheel openings make it look like that, but if you look closer you can tell it can't unless you rolled the fenders on it. but I think it looks fine the way it is
  3. you need to break in the suspension and let it settle a little before final adjustment alignment car looks pretty nice
  4. business school. if I was to go back that is what I would go for. It is much better to go for something universal instead of one specific thing it widens up job opportunities
  5. no he isn't, he is measuring at the listening position to figure out time alignment. that is all he is doing. technically what he is doing is trying to help people with hearing problems who use hearing aids get the same abilities as healthy people
  6. none the less still pointless, a real install will do it already, so basically they are doing stuff that has no bearing and isn't needed?
  7. working your abs does nothing for a six pack guys, you can not pinpoint fat loss either. only way to get it is to drop your bf% to around 8-12% then you will get a six pack
  8. it will work but you will need to set the x over right so it blends with 15's and you will need 2 channels a left and right, they won't be used as subwoofers they will be used as midbass drivers
  9. I wouldn't do it on a cam gear, you lose timing on one cam and not other very good chance of bending valves. sucks but I'd do it right first time, especially on a higher reving motor like that
  10. I think your missing the point, it's still install dependent. I don't care how they record it early refractions and bad angles will still mess it up
  11. if you have never heard true stereo sound in a listening room you will be speechless I was
  12. oh and listening rooms, my HT is currently set up as 2.1 I like it over 7.1 ect
  13. tribes had theyre own languages bein forced into colonization they lost when we came and took over, the illegals haven't taken over the country like the Europeans did
  14. b-440 is what you should be using the bondo stuff is crap, hard to wet out and cracks very easy http://www.uscomposites.com/polyesters.html
  15. same amp as that but 4 channel (great sq amp wish I still had it) 2 of these 10's ( another thing I wish I never got rid of) those comps and head unit
  16. I said 3500rms not 7k amp with huge rise saving their ass
  17. a bet a ton of the music on here clips, a lot of the music on the artist own cd clips
  18. yeah that's the biggest complaint I have heard other than the total lack of common sense in the military
  19. Ah I didn't know we had airforce over there. well anyway thanks for the service I hope you like what your doing.
  20. thanks, I just noticed where you are from, are you a marine stationed there?
  21. a bl will shit it's self on 3500, and dc has new surrounds out now that are stronger
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