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Everything posted by Jman08

  1. sick bike man! i got to ride my buddies hayabusa a couple of weeks ago it was friggin mean.
  2. thats cool you just let your girl do the install while you take pics lol.
  3. Vids look badass man but dont say a your amps better than something else when you have no experience with it.
  4. Is now one of my favs check em out if you havnt heard. anyone know who that is in the last verse on purple sprite? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=133418164
  5. I just graduated and now im close to getting a new car woot woot.
  6. If i get an 18 it would be a fully loaded btl but if i go with 2 15's it will be audioque hdc3 powered by a crunch gp3000d
  7. I loved em it sucks that i never metered it tho but oh well. I plan on getting a focus svt hatch and putting 1 18 or 2 15's if i can.
  8. Just sold em i installed them in my buddies mustang and i can tell there not gonna last long in the shitty box hes got.
  9. Well sold my system to a friend because im savin up for a new car but here are my last two vids of it. some metal as you can see my hu sucks.
  10. Gotta love the new btls what you got for powa?
  11. Ohh shit haaha good stuff.
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