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Everything posted by Jman08

  1. My brother got me into mma a couple years back and now that we moved to ky we been looking for any gyms but no luck. Couple of weeks ago i found out there trying to get one up here in my town its prob to far of a drive for you tho to just train. They also got some in e-town check em out.
  2. that amp will prob put out 900 rms maybe a 1000 but bls can take more than a 1000
  3. Fi bl hands down and if your gettin two of them you better get two of those amps as well if you want to push em.
  4. heres a chance for all of you stoners to get a good laugh i guess http://youtube.com/watch?v=yWytESlG4xA
  5. congrats on the power monster bro what ever you hook up to it is gonna kick like bruce lee!
  6. I thought the exorcist was shaking my damn bed no shit then i woke up and realized it was a earthquake in kentucky weird.
  7. Seen that on youtube didnt know that was your jeep nice shit man!
  8. If you get that discount go with the mtx amps man.
  9. well doesnt realy piss me of but its stupid to do that to a decent sub
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