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Everything posted by Jman08

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yecp6Nk9XRA...feature=related this pisses me off poor sub
  2. Jman08

    Gi Joe

    Kinda differnt but funny
  3. Alot of people ask when i pull up at school no one believes me when i say 2 12's until i show them.
  4. Imo tech owns fat tone but most people dont know tone yet
  5. props to you man with gettin those numbers on insignia subs.
  6. I used to live there and dont hate on tone
  7. some amps go into protect if the song your playin is too low.
  8. This is the jam http://youtube.com/watch?v=XQ56xyEupHE&feature=related fat tone is the shit
  9. UMMM i dont know about you guys but i am the beast of da east in flip cup so bring your weak game bitches....meow ha
  10. I wouldnt just take there vehicle i would def beat there ass and get my stuff back tho.
  11. Nice I cant wait to see how the box turns out.
  12. So are going to run 1 sundown on each sub?
  13. Yes the ls1 engines are no joke.
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