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Everything posted by ISO

  1. I myself don't even have a good answer for that. The best I can tell you is that because all the seperate drivers that make up the 3 way design play different frequencies that it doesn't effect the amp in a negative way. By chance have you ordered your Parts Express catalog yet?
  2. Besides the shops here I think I'm one of the few people that has AC to DC converters that are made with car audio in mind. I figured I would let you know that you will probably have better luck looking on Ebay as you can find ones like mine under a different name. I don't remember what the name was or I would tell you but you want to look at 60 amp and 8 0 amp PS's.
  3. Well that means a lot to me. I'm glad I was able to inspire you. Good luck with your project. Excuse the Woot fucker I just really like him a lot. LOL
  4. Heres my house speakers. I'm pretty proud of them as the are built to my preference. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/73729-7-year-freshen-up-on-my-house-speakers/
  5. Those are the Sledgehammers aren't they? MTX's Flagship driver? If I'm not mistaken that 1501D is the one that has as big of a legacy as my RF BD1500's and are well known for be very stable even after being modded plus a shit ton of power. Hey I don't like MTX but if its worth what its worth then I can't really bash them.
  6. And whats the point of this add? There is nothing messed up about it or funny and the price isn't horrible.
  7. OH SHIT I heard about these. These are those new invisible amps and they are the shit man. A bitch to wire but mean as hell!!! EDIT: Damn, link got added!
  8. I had to go get a shower and I need to eat soon but I'll help with what I can. I still had trouble figuring out what size the on board fusing was but I have one more place to look. When all amps have built in fusing it does simplify the install. As far as fusing at your batteries even I am a little sketchy on the proper way to do it as both ends of the wire will be energized. LOL if someone is real worried about it you would need to fuse right at each battery but on the other hand that is over kill too. Pretty much I would fuse at the first battery that is inline with the alt. Then from that battery and fuse go to the next battery. Then the output wire from that battery I would fuse and go to my distro block. At the distro block if you are really paranoid you could get a fused distro block but I don't feel a fused distro block is needed. Then split off to your amps and I do believe all your amps have built in fusing. So 2 1/0 fuse holders and 2 300 amp fuses should be fine. Those amps are highly under rated wattage wise so if someone that is useing them wants to jump in they should. I'm going to go eat.
  9. So you don't know if the amps have built in fusing? I'll jump over to the site.
  10. Lets say those amps max out at 1500 watts apiece then you would be perfectly fine running your 1/0 from your battery to a 1/0 to 4 gauge distribution block. Then 4 gauge to your amps and 8 were 4 gauge won't work. A foot or 2 from the distro block to the amps will not be long enough to cause any negative affects. Just because I'm curious, what size fuse does the 1000 require?
  11. The Solo-X is actually designed to be used with ported boxes even though it has specs for sealed applications. Next is the amp, you have a horrible amp powering it. A good quality amp can make a world of difference.
  12. Fuckin Easy-E is on there!!! I like alot, its got a nice beat to it. I guess I know what I'll get next.
  13. If you haven't boughten your amps yet then I recommend that you just buy a single amp to power both subs or one amp per sub. You can run one amp per voice coil and this is a trick from back in the day so we could get an excesive amount of power to the sub because they didn't make amp as powerful back then. Companies now make very large amps and there is no real reason to run 2 amps to one subwoofer unless you are hung up on a company that doesn't make a large amp. IMO only people that have alot of experience should run 2 amps to one subwoofer because there is alot of weekly to monthly maitnence (can't spell)that you may have to deal with. If the gains on the 2 coils become unmatched you might damage the subwoofer.
  14. HA HA cool. I'll be back in central Ohio in the middle of June man.

  15. If you can get ahold of the MECP basic book and study it. This book is a great place to start and heres a link. http://www.mecp.com/study_guides.asp BASIC INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN STUDY GUIDE That is a great place to start man, after that try and drill the fundamentals of DC electricity into your head. One of the most over looked issues in car audio is the wireing. Its the most over looked but it is also the most important part. To have proper current flow will make your system or break your system. (Really) That book will give you the basics then after that checking out the forums and first hand experience will be next but if you learn how DC works then you'll be ahead of the game already.
  16. HA HA HA I can't say sh!t man, I don't even have a head unit installed.
  17. LOL it means you spend more time on the net then with your system. FTL
  18. Wait a second, if we start spamming you will take away our DB's but you are going to take us to Dairy Queen DQ?
  19. I was more or less talking about not being able to fade from front tot back. as you would want your right output playing the right side of the car and same for the left. If you must know and I take you are playing full range, you wire the positves of the right 5.25 and 6x9 together and the negatives together would give you the 2 ohm load you are looking for and same for the left.
  20. Can we leave it at; your better off not doing what you want to do and you would blow the speakers if you do do it. Wire each speaker to a single channel and be happy with it or else you might get headaches.
  21. I want to explain this to you but I type really slow, so let me say you probably won't like the out come if you put all 4 speakers on a 2 channel amp since you won't beable to balance your sound. I recommend a 4 channel amp for what you would like to do and thats 85 watts to each speaker man. Edit: lack of attention to detail when reads = FAIL.
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