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Florida law banning loud car music ruled Unconstitutional

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man.. i live in canada.. and well.. cops dont seem to mind.. it turns heads and catches attention.. even from the cops.. but none have yet to say anything to me.. also i live in a small town.. they know where i live! yet they dont say anything to me.. but i do turn it down at night past 10 and well at stoplights.. unless someone with a stock crappy distorting system is playing.. is someone clipping to all hell is playing loud. then i say.. haha.. beat this.. CRANK!!.. but yea. ig people just need to be more considerate of others .. i know someone just down the street that tends to wake me up at 3am driving past in my neighborhood.. but yea.. its really not that bad.

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If loud music is illegal everywhere so should loud ass exhaust and hick's with train horns IMO......lol Gonna be some intense bass battles at the red lights in Florida! :lol:

Ha ha that a good one ^^^^^..No more street racing in Florida it's going to DB drag racing from redlight to redlight... :drink40:

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Lets live in a city and get pissed about loud noise. So lets stop bumpin there and go out in the middle of no were were people mind them sevles and piss them off.

If im in a city im bumpin. If im at a loud ass stop light im bumpin. If i go out in bum fuckin no weres im listen to county not so loud. Thats just me

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Lets live in a city and get pissed about loud noise. So lets stop bumpin there and go out in the middle of no were were people mind them sevles and piss them off.

If im in a city im bumpin. If im at a loud ass stop light im bumpin. If i go out in bum fuckin no weres im listen to county not so loud. Thats just me

your logic is border line retarded


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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