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So Hitman pumps out 12-ga. rounds at people in front of his house at 3am... wow, sounds very "shoot first, ask questions later-ish"... thank God for people like that in the car audio community. Hell we already get looked at like were annoying when driving with systems up from people and get the wrong attention from cops, why not add to it lol!

Maybe Sic didn't word his objection to everyone jumping on the "she's a bitch/cunt/whore" bandwagon in the best way and even if he flat out talks shit, any decent IQ'd person would have ignored it for what it was.

However, he does have a point:

That "cunt" has NO idea who OrionStang is, all she hears from in there is bass and (as I said up there ^^^ ) can only assume it's some knucklehead trouble maker. Could she have approached it better, of course. The problem is you do have those that give the car audio enthusiasts a bad name. The ones that run full tilt anytime they're in their car. The SAME type that cut mufflers of NA 4 bangers and think they have to rev to redline in every gear... even down residential roads. Obviously OS loves his car and his music, it shows... but some of the comments in regards to retaliation? :shakes head:

Any real gun owner knows you don't point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill.

You would also know that you only use deadly force if your life is threatened... you feel threatened by bass? Or just a hot head who thinks a gun is justice and you're the judge. It's that kind of talk that makes anti-gun groups push more for gun control, but that's besides the point.

Do a drive-by bassing? Why? To prove you're an inconsiderate, stereotypical, knucklehead? To piss her off more? Yeah, cops get enough noise complaints and they can enact laws to make it so you HAVE to drive out of town to show off.

Sics whole point was about respect those around you and the replies to him and about the woman show the real colors of people on this thread.

I may misconstrue this a little, but you're saying you build a car audio setup and dont listen to it full tilt? Only idiots who do that are the guys looking to piss people off! No...I run full tilt because I like it loud. Everytime im in the car, its full tilt because I like it that way. I may have taken that comment the wrong way, but if I didnt want it loud, I wouldnt build it to be loud and I wouldnt run full tilt. Just because I do that doesnt mean I go through residential neighborhoods with it blaring and windows down.

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And I'm a crim justice major and I'm telling you that he would NOT have gotten a ticket unless he kept playing his system and made the cops go there more than once.

Okay man, you have no idea what you are talking about. Ill put it like this...was she in bitch mode? YES...but Orion, you should know better than to go behind a business and crank that 5k up like that. We ALL know that a system is going to be much more devastating inside a building than it is standing beside the car. It would have been nice for her to come outside and ask himn to turn it down, but point is, she didnt have to. But Orion did the best thing and just left. Some of you guys on here would've stayed, fussed at the lady, fussed at the cops, and we would be reading a thread about some noise ordinance ticket of disturbing the peace ticket that you think is bullshit. And as for you mr BERTO, this whole 1st time no ticket thing came straight out of your ass. An officer can write a ticket on the first time if he/she so chooses to do so. There is no rule about 1st time is a warning and second time is a ticket. I mean, look at it this way...if you were the cop, would you rather write a ticket the first time and be done with it, or give someone a warning and have the possibility of 30mins later getting another call for the same thing, and having to write a ticket then? It would be smarter for the cop to write the ticket the first time and be done with it.


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And Orion, don't get me wrong...I ain't bashin you for the way you handled it. I would've been pissed as hell too. But the thing that gets me on this thread is the fact that people act like SHE IS BOUND to coming to you and asking you to turn it down before taking legal action. She doesn't have to. She excersized her rights in the way she felt was necesary. And I must commend you for leaving...that was the smartest thing you could've possibly done.

As far as you people talking about bass drive-by's and the such, I ain't gonna lie. It sounds like a good idea, and I would want to, just b/c she would've pissed me off. But its the people that actually do stuff like this that give bassheads a bad name. NO RESPECT.


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respect..thats what i have for you


(4)DD 9918's

(2)DC 10k

8 6.5" focals

2 DD SS4 mid amps

Audison Bit One processor

Jl-cl-rlc line driver

iPad in dash

Dual Irragi 320a alts

8 batcaps 4000's

Second Skin sound deadened

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I don't blame her...I woulda done the same... disturbing the peace is disturbing the peace...you wouldn't like it if I was doing it outside ur house at 3AM right? no different...

2 key things you said that he didn't do were:

1) Outside a house....he was bahind a store where nobody else was, except for the dumb cunt.

2) 3am....look like he was playing middle of the day.

Also, say he didn't leave. He wouldn't have got a ticket (if he turned the system down and waited) because he could have said he didn't think anyone would be able to hear. And whe they would have told him the lady called all he needed to say was that she hadn't told him prior to the call and as soon as she approached him about it he did turn his music down.

And a disturbing the piece ticket is never issues the first time. Cops give a warning and if they have to go back that's when they give the ticket.

never said he did I was only making a point...

I own 2 shops and trust me I know the rules and more importantly what is MORALLY and ETHICALLY proper... if dude thinks his weak setup was so awesome he would know it carries quite far... and that they would hear AND feel it inside...

And I'm a crim justice major and I'm telling you that he would NOT have gotten a ticket unless he kept playing his system and made the cops go there more than once.

And what are you working with to be calling his setup weak?

And I just saw your post about respect, if you would think about it even just a little bit he did have the respect to waste some gas (at the price that it is now that's a big thing) and go somewhere that he felt would not disturb people.

And you sound like a weak ass basshead. Cuz no matter how hard we try there's always going to be someone we bother with our systems, no matter where we are.

so ya don't know the laws in effect quite yet then...

weak ass basshead? lol you sir are quite funny you have no clue who the fuck I even am...

regardless dude has 0 respect and anyone that defends him is no better imo...

their is a good reason I have 75000 posts spanning 4 other forums and less than 50 here... too many wanna be's nutthuggers and ethugs ... have a nice day...

you don't know who the fuck berto is or any of the other members on this forum, if you have 75,000 post over 4 different forums you have way too much free time on your hands, I highly doubt you own two shops, and if you don't think this is a good forum you're a total dipshit, you come off to be a real douche too. GTFO, RANT! :tool:

'93 Firebird Formula V8

H/U- Kenwood eXcelon KDC-X395

Mids/Highs Amp- Hifonics ZXI80.4

Wiring-KNU RCA's, Speaker Wire, And Two Runs Of Trystar 1/0

G34 Red Top and a 180amp Ford Alternator


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And I'm a crim justice major and I'm telling you that he would NOT have gotten a ticket unless he kept playing his system and made the cops go there more than once.

Okay man, you have no idea what you are talking about. Ill put it like this...was she in bitch mode? YES...but Orion, you should know better than to go behind a business and crank that 5k up like that. We ALL know that a system is going to be much more devastating inside a building than it is standing beside the car. It would have been nice for her to come outside and ask himn to turn it down, but point is, she didnt have to. But Orion did the best thing and just left. Some of you guys on here would've stayed, fussed at the lady, fussed at the cops, and we would be reading a thread about some noise ordinance ticket of disturbing the peace ticket that you think is bullshit. And as for you mr BERTO, this whole 1st time no ticket thing came straight out of your ass. An officer can write a ticket on the first time if he/she so chooses to do so. There is no rule about 1st time is a warning and second time is a ticket. I mean, look at it this way...if you were the cop, would you rather write a ticket the first time and be done with it, or give someone a warning and have the possibility of 30mins later getting another call for the same thing, and having to write a ticket then? It would be smarter for the cop to write the ticket the first time and be done with it.

Just got done re-reading my post....nope, don't think I ever said there was a rule to where the officer HAS to give a ticket the 1st time he goes out there. Well they give a ticket the 1st time they go out there, ummm about 90% of the time (I'm being as lenient as I can in that percentage) they won't. Do you have any idea how much paperwork goes into a ticket? IIRC it's about 5 pages for a SIMPLE ticket (speeding, running a red light, etc) and the pages just keep piling on if it gets to a he said she said type thing. So if an officer thinks a simple warning can solve the issue (this being one of those cases) then that's all they'll do. If you want to keep thinking I'm talking out of my ass then you do that, but I don't waste my time and money going to school for nothing.


Car: 1985 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royal

24" Rims

HU: 7" Carputer, Planet Audio EQ, iPhone.

Coax: T3 Audio 4" speakers

Subs: 2x 18" T3 Audio TSNS (walled)

Sub Amp: DC 9k


T3 Audio 6x9s

MB Quarts 6.5" comp set


2nd DC 9k

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He owns a car audio shop in northern area of Colorado and frequents the MAXXsonics forums.

If he would have said something which made sense, other than the Hillary Clinton 3 AM bullshit, then I would have possibly would have half way agreed. No where near the same thing, but the law is the law and if there is a noise ordinance, then you're in the wrong if caught. Not saying she wasn't being a bitch about it, and honestly like the fact you went out of your way to not bother people..the only thing that ever pisses me off is the loud ass fart mufflers and motorcycles, which are deemed acceptable.

Props to you for trying to be considerate. :drinks:

good research ;)

and good point.. my main point was just simply why make her out to be the bad person...??

she has a right to say w/e she wants... she was the one that was being violated... she prolly coulda been nicer...but he prolly coulda found a huge ass walmart parking lot too... respect is a 2 way street...

I really like how big the E-peens get and physical scare tactics start getting tossed around...makes me LOL...

for fucks sake dude! calling DC audio weak? you obviously don't what the hell you are talking about, you say violated as if she was getting raped or some shit, ok so he had his music loud trying to get a video in a place where he figured wouldn't bother anyone, maybe it bothered her but instead of being a total cunt and calling the cops, if she would have gone outside and asked politely like most people already said, i'm sure he would have gladly turned it down and left.

'93 Firebird Formula V8

H/U- Kenwood eXcelon KDC-X395

Mids/Highs Amp- Hifonics ZXI80.4

Wiring-KNU RCA's, Speaker Wire, And Two Runs Of Trystar 1/0

G34 Red Top and a 180amp Ford Alternator


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Do you have any idea how much paperwork goes into a ticket? IIRC it's about 5 pages for a SIMPLE ticket (speeding, running a red light, etc) and the pages just keep piling on if it gets to a he said she said type thing.

As a matter of fact I do know how much paper work goes into writing a ticket. I write them everyday. As a matter of fact, I HAVE to write at least 50 tickets a month, or I get sent home for bad work performance. And FYI, it ain't 5 pages of papers...its actually 4 pages, 3 of which are carbon copies. You fill out the top one, and the rest are filled out when you turn the page!

If you want to keep thinking I'm talking out of my ass then you do that, but I don't waste my time and money going to school for nothing.

Yeah, you are talking out of your ass. You are on here trying to make it sound like you know everything b/c you are in school for criminal justice, when in reality you don't know shit. I actually have a bachelors in Criminal Justice. And I have been doing this job for nearly 3 years now. No I'm no veteran at this job, but I do know how much work goes into writing a ticket...and you sir are talking out of you ass!


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Do you have any idea how much paperwork goes into a ticket? IIRC it's about 5 pages for a SIMPLE ticket (speeding, running a red light, etc) and the pages just keep piling on if it gets to a he said she said type thing.

As a matter of fact I do know how much paper work goes into writing a ticket. I write them everyday. As a matter of fact, I HAVE to write at least 50 tickets a month, or I get sent home for bad work performance. And FYI, it ain't 5 pages of papers...its actually 4 pages, 3 of which are carbon copies. You fill out the top one, and the rest are filled out when you turn the page!

If you want to keep thinking I'm talking out of my ass then you do that, but I don't waste my time and money going to school for nothing.

Yeah, you are talking out of your ass. You are on here trying to make it sound like you know everything b/c you are in school for criminal justice, when in reality you don't know shit. I actually have a bachelors in Criminal Justice. And I have been doing this job for nearly 3 years now. No I'm no veteran at this job, but I do know how much work goes into writing a ticket...and you sir are talking out of you ass!

If that isnt the biggest load of BS i've ever heard. Im not saying you arent telling the truth, its the cops who say 'I dont have a quota to meet' that piss me off. You have a month where people arent breaking the law as much...time to nid pick the smallest shit to fill quota! Just makes no sense.

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