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The post im going to make WILL BE A LONG POST, and a RANT.... check back soon... I'm gathering my thoughts :popcorn:

Here we go:

To those of you that know me, you know i get very serious when it comes to PC Hardware. Its been a LONG TIME hobby of mine, I've OC'ed with the best of them back in the day, learned from the BEST, and have been in this game for many, many, many years. I've done reviews for hardware, i've done beta testing for EVGA, i've done many, many things for several companies over the past several years. I am in no way shape or form a n00b when it comes to anything hardware :lol: (Tony, N8, know im not a software guy tho, and when I say software, I mean programming and the high paying stuff they do, I just never could get the passion for that stuff)

what i'm going to rant about today is AMD. We all need to keep an "OPEN MIND" here, and realize i'm not an Intel "nuthugger" or an AMD Hater by any means. The last surviving PC in my house is an AMD system.. LOL. What i'm SO VERY PISSED ABOUT, and the gathering of my thoughts today basically are about how pissed off I am for continually getting "LIED" to by AMD. To those that "Follow" new hardware releases might or should know what I mean here. lets start from the beginning.

Original Phenom series (released in Nov 2007) was supposed to be more "feature rich" faster, and AMD was "touting" the words "TRUE QUAD CORE" and all AMD talk was this was going to be faster clock for clock then the Intel counterparts (I.E q6600, q6700, etc) well, this was the year I started my own watercooling company and just didnt have the time or patience to beg for a review sample from one of the several websites I had an "IN WITH" So I just sat back and waited for the NDA to be lifted and see/read reviews and WHAT A DAMN FLOP... This was AMD's chance to re-gain ground in the performance segment, and it was a huge loss. Hell, you couldnt even put it under phase cooling or any type of super cold cooling do to the bad cold bug it had, and it also suffered from a bug called "TLB errata"

That bug, which could be corrected on the BIOS level, after the given motherboard manufacture released a fix, BUT it came at a rather large performance hit... If you google it, you will see 20-35% performance loss at certain benchmarks and real world programs. JUST DAMN CRAZY!

So with all that said, Intel just kicked back and let the sales continue on going thru the roof of the Q6600, Q6700 quads, and to those of you that are into this stuff, Intell released a new stepping for the quads called "G0" and it made a huge difference!! So I can and the whole world can say this:.....

AMD PHENOM 9xxx series CPU's were a HUGE FLOP for the enthusiast.. PERIoD!

Alrighty, lets skip to the year around the Feb 2009 time stamp with the release of PhenomII. This was again a shot for AMD to go head to head with Intel in the performance market, as YET AGAIN, they kept throwing out podcasts, and dropping hints that this WILL BE an Intel neck to neck performer in this given segment (Performance) Well, guess what! It wasnt even close. Intel had released the new (at that time) 45nm quads blah, blah, blah.... And again We were all lied to, and performance at best was only comparable to Intel's mid to low end segment. COME ON AMD.. get your shit straight!!! PhenomII cpu's were yet again were plagued with Cold bugs, and OCing on them was yes, more improved, but your still using pretty much the same architecture that was in the K8 series cpu's.. So scaling Mhz, and voltage leakage was HUGE, and the CPU's GOT HOT FASSSSSSSST!!!

I love my staffie :good:

So anti FACEBOOK it isn't even funny

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Ok, Lets jump time frame to just a few months ago when AMD released this new line called FX series chips.. (they thought bringing back the FX nomenclature would increase sales, cause if you remember back in the day FX55, 57, 60, etc.. were their ULTRA HIGH END unlocked CPU's) Well, the words from AMD's mouth was this is the and will be Intel performance competitor, and will dominate benchmarks. I was very very interested to see how this would turn out. AMD has been talking about "Bulldozer" since 06 and now it was finally about to make an appearance, so I grabbed my :popcorn: and waited. AMD made comments that it would be 50% faster per clock then the phenomII's and this new "die" is very modular and can accommodate several "cores" in 1 die. Well, let me say that this is where my anger lies!! Again, the public and or consumer were all LIED TO AGAIN!!!! 3 times now.. REALLY! Performance in the Enthusiast segment was WORSE then PHENOMII with these CPU's and no where near Intel's side. This release of CPU for AMD was i "think" the final straw for them, and I think they finally realized that they can't afford to hang in this segment of the game, and their lies to "sway" the consumer were no longer being listened to, so here are these articles I will copy and paste in here:

"AMD To Give Up Competing With Intel On x86? CPU Prices Already Shooting Up

It looks like the Bulldozer disaster might have been too much of a setback for AMD to recover from. After 30 years of competing with Intel in the x86 processor market, AMD is about to give up, even with the 2009 1.25bn antitrust settlement they extracted from them. Mike Silverman, AMD company spokesman said, "We're at an inflection point. We will all need to let go of the old 'AMD versus Intel' mind-set, because it won't be about that anymore." He was vague on the exact strategy that AMD intends to pursue from now on, though. However, the company is widely expected to make a concerted effort to break into the smartphones and tablets market. The big problem with this strategy unfortunately, is that this arena is currently dominated by many other competitors. On top of that, their arch enemy Intel is also trying to muscle in on this space, hence AMD could find themselves back at square one, or likely even further back. AMD's graphics cards are doing well at the moment though and are quite competitive, so it looks like their expensive purchase of ATI back in 2006, might yet save the company from extinction. If they become primarily a graphics card company, they will inevitably end up a lot smaller than they are now though and that’s a lot of lost jobs and personal hardship, along with a monopoly x86 market remaining and all of its negative effects on the market""

But wait, there's more!!

""AMD Still Committed To x86 - But Not In High End Desktop

Further to our article yesterday, that AMD was to give up competing with Intel, they have now made a statement which semi-clarifies their future strategy. AMD told The Verge, that they are still committed to x86, but have decided to concentrate on low power, emerging markets and the cloud:

AMD is a leader in x86 microprocessor design, and we remain committed to the x86 market. Our strategy is to accelerate our growth by taking advantage of our design capabilities to deliver a breadth of products that best align with broader industry shifts toward low power, emerging markets and the cloud.

This sounds very much like they are giving up competing with Intel in the high-end x86 CPU market, but will instead compete with the likes of ARM, NVIDIA, TI and Intel in the low power market. It doesn't seem like a good strategy however, not least because getting the power use levels of an x86 CPU right down to ARM levels and still have some semblance of performance seems to be an unachievable aim, as Intel has already found out. The problem is that the ancient and complex x86 instruction set dating from the late 1970s, requires complex decode logic and a bigger chip (more transistors) to implement. It also isn't very fast, which is why all the various "turbocharging" technologies and enhancements have had to be applied to it over the years to bring us the fast CPUs we see today. These are all very expensive on transistor budget, power and require a high clock speed. The fact that all modern x86 CPUs are actually hybrid x86 (32-bit) & x64 (64-bit) machines adds an order of magnitude to the problem, as they're almost two CPUs in one. Time will tell whether AMD were right to go down this road.""

I love my staffie :good:

So anti FACEBOOK it isn't even funny

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With all that said, I check my email this morning I find yet ANOThER DAMN LIE FROM AMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check this out::::

""AMD Realizes That Bulldozer Has 800 Million LESS Transistors Than It Thought!

AMD's new flagship Bulldozer "FX" series of processors have turned out to be mediocre performers in almost every review and benchmark going, sometimes even getting bested by the existing Phenom II and certainly no match for their Intel competition. To add to this tale of fail, it now turns out that AMD didn't even know how many transistors they have! Anand Lal Shimpi of AnandTech received an email from AMD's PR department and this is the revelation he had to share with us:

This is a bit unusual. I got an email from AMD PR this week asking me to correct the Bulldozer transistor count in our Sandy Bridge E review. The incorrect number, provided to me (and other reviewers) by AMD PR around 3 months ago was 2 billion transistors. The actual transistor count for Bulldozer is apparently 1.2 billion transistors. I don't have an explanation as to why the original number was wrong, just that the new number has been triple checked by my contact and is indeed right. The total die area for a 4-module/8-core Bulldozer remains correct at 315 mm².""

AMD simply exaggerated the transistor count to make the public "THINK" they were getting some serious performance for there hard earned dollar, but again, NOT THE CASE! Pretty bad, when this new FX line, using this AM3+ socket, are no faster, and in most cases SLOWER then their old PhenomII series..

Look guys, I just want to say this. AMD makes a decent CPU, and keeps DAMN GOOD competition in the mid range, and lower segment spectrum, but if AMD is going to LIE about the performance spectrum, they have no place in this industry, sadly enough! What does all this MEAN TO US CONSUMERS... Well, it means since AMD will exit out of the performance segment of PC hardware, many prices are going to go through the roof. Intel will have the monopoly in this area, and prices will not be what they are today. Also, lets not forget motherboards. Why would Asus, Gigabyte, MSi, etc... make performance based OC'in friendly boards for AMD anymore... They will start phasing out that side of things and start Giving Intel nearly 90% of the attention AGAIN!! (remember Core2 launch ..:lol: ) So people With current AMD setups, and BIOS issues with certain hardware, have fun waiting for BIOS updates to correct certain issues. MIGHT NOT EVER HAPPEN. It really in sad!

I want to make this clear, I'M NOT HATING ON AMD, im just hating on the way they market such items and know its not going to live up to the consumers expectations!!! AMD makes a great CPU/PC choice for the "EVERYDAY" user just doinig basic tasks.... And YES, of course a gaming PC needs a great GpU to excel, and sometimes depending on the game, CPU bottleneck might not ever happen, as GPU is the dominating choice... BUT NOT ALWAYS ThE CASE!!!

I'm sure im leaving out several other points, but this is getting to long of a read, and my dogs have to go out... I hope you read this "RANT" and see that im not BITCHING about AMD, but rather just upset that "We the public" keep getting lied to, and finally AMD realized that they have no place in "HIGHEND" performance segment, and will finally pull back and not compete in this area... SAD REALLY, no competition means Intel can charge waht they want in this area :cray:

I love my staffie :good:

So anti FACEBOOK it isn't even funny

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This is like when your mum says "wait till your father gets home".

so you sit in your room and wait.

Henry Ford once received a letter from a depression-era bank robber responsible for the deaths of several law enforcement officers, killed in their attempt to stop him as he fled the crime scene. In his letter, he thanked Mr. Ford for making his Model A Ford such a good getaway car.

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