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Shooting at Batman Premiere.

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i was just watching the news and seen how they want to ban guns and change our rights. people who are running the government are just plain stupid. the excuse they used was the guns where bought legal. so stopping the sell of fire arms would be good, how good will it be when only registered guns will be confiscated and all guns that are here illegally will still be in criminals hands. banning guns will not fix anything. what they have to do is give criminals more prison time or death depending on crime committed

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I am skilled with each of my weapons. I believe strongly in being practiced and efficient with any weapon one may own. The average ccw no but theres always one in the crowd. They said he swept the isles aiming at people if his weapon was pointed at me in range where i felt mine was effective you can bet your ass it would have been pulled. As smoke said most people dont even know when a proper ccw holder is packing

Edit: im speaking of florida statues i dont know colorado laws

I'm not going to question your proficiency with firearms, I’m not going to disagree with your willingness to help. If anything I applaud that.

But with that said, from your response am I to assume that if this was going on 15 aisles in front of you that you would wait, as dozens of frantic people raced up and over you, for the individual to come toward you? And you are that confident with your skill level to accurately hit only the armed individual amongst the chaos?

Again, no debate from me... Individuals will do what they see fit. My points here are these:

1) You open yourself up to more liability if you don’t use your CCW as a defensive option. The name of the game is GET AWAY, not stay and fight.

2) As a CCW holder and civilian your responsibility first and foremost is to YOURSELF and YOUR family, not the rest of the world. While there may be opportunities in certain situations for you to come to the defense of a group (such as the 71 year old man in the cafe everyone in the CCW world is nut hugging right now) this movie theater scenario is not one of them.

3) Just as we have all the time in the world now to arm chair quarterback this tragedy, someone will have all the time in the world to armchair quarterback your actions. IF things don’t go silky smooth, sweet as pie you will be the poster child for all that is wrong with CCW.


If I, as a police officer, am responding to this call and walk in the theater and see an unidentified man with a weapon and feel my life is endangered I WILL SHOOT RIGHT THROUGH YOU! Plain clothed officers die every year due to this, being at the wrong place at the wrong time trying to help and getting blasted by one of their own. It's a sad fact of the job. So don’t think for one sec Johnny Bravo officer would think twice about plugging you is he can’t identify you. Your safer by just getting out of harm’s way!

In the end this played out the best way, ONLY ONE GUNMAN in a dark movie theater. Not multiple shooters who the authorities needed to identify as friend or foe when they arrived on scene. Everyone’s actions have consequences, don’t let the loss of your own life be one of them if you have the option of flight. No one will think less of you for keeping yourself alive. And if CO. is a CCW state doesn’t kid yourself, people were armed in that theater. I just goes to show that human instinct still is flight over fight

Agreed, and well said. And on top of it all, you the ccw stand very little chance with a handgun wearing plain clothing, up against a twisted sick individual heavily armed and wearing armor. Best option would be get the heck out of there asap, and or stay down and seek cover moving as much as possible away from the threat toward an exit.

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Saw this today and thought its proabable better posted here than in a new thread. If better off in a new thread I will start one.

MY BUILD *****http://tinyurl.com/gmcbuild*****


2005 GMC Canyon

CB1000r - Currently where any future funds are going. (exhasut,bazzaz, ohlins shock, screen, etc.)

crf250r - Used to be race bike..now I just trail ride..practice at the track on it.

CH80 - Daily beater (when nice weather)best 150$ ever spent. 100+mpg

Sold to:

Skullz - pstone11 - Leo1103 - Volvo 63' - pavelpardo - imnew59585

Shower farts still piss me off.

I think theyre pretty neat. When the water runs down your crack as you let one out... its like shitting in a crockpot.
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