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ICE ICE POLO (ROBolop Design)

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Do you special order your aluminum from somewhere, or do you get it at your local hardware store? Was thinking of doing some stuff with aluminum but I don't know where to get it etc.

Loving the way this is coming out. It's beautiful work my friend!

I get the aluminium here in a little factory where they make ladders and stuff.

I know the owner pretty well and I can ask what I need.

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I grabbed the mill from out the cupboard and started making some sloths on the bottomside (for the cables from the subs)



Then I started making frames where the glass will rest on. This alu plate is about 3mm thick.

Then I sanded it down, and drew it out.


Then I cut away as much as possible with the jigsaw. Because it’s impossible to saw straight with a jigsaw, I milled the last mm.

Pretty easy to do.

It’s superimportant that the aluminium is taped to the table. I did it with dubbel sided tape.

You can also see that the plate is laying against some nails. I knock them qual to the top of the plate, so the mill doesn’t flip when I go over them.



And a lath which functions as a glider for the mill.


This looks pretty smooth and easy, but when you look at the clock, hours pass by. But I don’t care about the time.


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I'm following this one from the beginning so I don't have to read so many pages.

Lookin' sweet so far.

Lane AKA HeroKight

'96 Jeep Cherokee Classic 4x4

R.I.P. Molliboo

$200 for new tires, on a jeep!? Is she stealing them or building them with a heat gun and rubber bands?

You hear that????

That's a category 5 shit storm coming

n8: hey you doing today. What's it like being a bitch? you can pm me if you'd like to explain why you arent one. Just like you did for your vs threads.

^^^Rules. Follow them.^^^

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Cause of the cold this week, I didn’t manage to do much. Where I’m working at the moment, there’s no heating, and you can feel the cold comin’ out of the ground. There are nicer days to work on an install.


The 2 alu frames (for the glas to rest on) are finished. On the back of the subbox, where the hinge is placed, I had to weld an extra iron.

After that I drilled a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of holes in the aluminium, and also in the iron and alu bar. After that I made some screw-thread in there so I could tighten it all nicely. Remember, the subbox needs to be 100% closed.



Once the holes were good, I taped the glass onto the aluminium.

I chose 2x4mm laminated glass. This is the same as the glass that’s in your front windshield of your car. I chose this because it’s superstrong, be also, must it ever break, the shattered pieces won’t fall apart, due to the special film that’s in between.

You never know the glass will burst after my wife plants a bag of potatoes into the trunk, then it won’t be the end of the world… just needs a new glass.

I glued the glass with black TEK7.


I left this to dry for more than four days, and it still wasn’t dry. Probably because it’s cold and moist in my garage for the moment.


Then I worked on the connections of the woofers.

Here you can see the 8 alu tubes where the cable gets through. You can also see LED holders, and little O-rings.


First of all, I glued the led holders into the alu tubes with 2 components-glue

Because my cable didn’t got through anymore, I had to abrade the LED holders one by one till the cables got through again.



Another shitty job was that I had to sand down the inside of the holes, where the tubes glide through.


Once all this was done, I could place the tubes through the holes without scratching it.


You can also see the O-rings I slipped over it, to get a nice finishing touch.


With these connections I want to prove that it doesn’t always have to be copper, and you can make nice things with normal stuff.


Here you see how the glass rests on the subbox, and how it’s screwed. Offcourse I’m going to place rubber in between to get a more perfect seal.


The glass on the amplifier part: This will be tightened with a couple of screws, so if I have to turn the EQ, it’s just a matter of screwing some screws loose.



Another cool shot


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