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Worst Case Of Internet Ownage Ever.

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this could backfire on the people that tried to ruin him, he is a minor, and if any of the dudes doing this to him are over 18 they could face prison time ( Child pornography anyone) if his parents find out, this is why you have to leave personal info off of your pc and the web. ouch wouldnt want to be him or the other dudes if the po-po's get involved.

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this could backfire on the people that tried to ruin him, he is a minor, and if any of the dudes doing this to him are over 18 they could face prison time ( Child pornography anyone) if his parents find out, this is why you have to leave personal info off of your pc and the web. ouch wouldnt want to be him or the other dudes if the po-po's get involved.


My F-150 Build




what if they tried messing with the amps when the subs werent louder :ehh: hahah jk :pardon:

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thats how you deal with scammers man

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this could backfire on the people that tried to ruin him, he is a minor, and if any of the dudes doing this to him are over 18 they could face prison time ( Child pornography anyone) if his parents find out, this is why you have to leave personal info off of your pc and the web. ouch wouldnt want to be him or the other dudes if the po-po's get involved.

Well your 100% right but legally your wrong. Im not trying to argue this but.

Well break it down

1) Say he would try to individually sue for harrassment. Your ISP will not help out / cooperate for anybody except if it's from the white house or the FBI. (Witch civil court wouldn't be getting the FBI involved for harrassment) So he wouldn't be able to Subpoena their ISP.

2) It's not child pornography child pornography is only the showing picture's / video of a person under 18 having sex or sexually touching a person under the age of 18. Or obiously naked picture's so that cant be done. ( The FBI was contacted about them doing that ) and it's not illegal.

3) I know that you arn't saying what all in general is just illegal but if you enter your Name . Address. Phone number to the public ( IE. Website message forum ) Anything that is public for view witch he did. Then it is not illegal. As long as you didn't break any law's obtaining his personal info then it's 100% legal.

But all in all what he had happen to him he couldn't do anything back in return if he had to (Legally).


EDIT. Example is let's say i have your email address. Give me 2 - 5 hour's and i could more then likely have your name address phone number ect ect. And that's just with your email address and basic public none charge searching tool's.

Team Xtreme - Mike


Nismofreak18 (6:53:43 PM): viper alarm

Nismofreak18 (6:53:45 PM): woooowoooowoo

Nismofreak18 (6:53:47 PM): I come out

Nismofreak18 (6:53:52 PM): and kick your ass lol

ipur3fknpawahi (6:54:01 PM): Dude ill steal your fucking alarm to

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Well your 100% right but legally your wrong. Im not trying to argue this but.

Well break it down

1) Say he would try to individually sue for harrassment. Your ISP will not help out / cooperate for anybody except if it's from the white house or the FBI. (Witch civil court wouldn't be getting the FBI involved for harrassment) So he wouldn't be able to Subpoena their ISP.

2) It's not child pornography child pornography is only the showing picture's / video of a person under 18 having sex or sexually touching a person under the age of 18. Or obiously naked picture's so that cant be done. ( The FBI was contacted about them doing that ) and it's not illegal.

3) I know that you arn't saying what all in general is just illegal but if you enter your Name . Address. Phone number to the public ( IE. Website message forum ) Anything that is public for view witch he did. Then it is not illegal. As long as you didn't break any law's obtaining his personal info then it's 100% legal.

But all in all what he had happen to him he couldn't do anything back in return if he had to (Legally).


EDIT. Example is let's say i have your email address. Give me 2 - 5 hour's and i could more then likely have your name address phone number ect ect. And that's just with your email address and basic public none charge searching tool's.

Um ok , but your wrong, does not matter that he has his info on a site, you just cant go out and post up a minors personal info anywhere you want, just becuase its there doesnt mean shit bro, trust me I have been in the web game along time, the person or people behind this are posting Sex adds on craigslist for minor for christ sake, tell the police that its not child pornography or child molester type shit, Thats somebodies KID, Ill tell ya what, if this happened to my kid I would kill someone.

and if you think that a ISP wont give out info on a child sex/ pornography situation your STUPID.

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Um ok , but your wrong, does not matter that he has his info on a site, you just cant go out and post up a minors personal info anywhere you want, just becuase its there doesnt mean shit bro, trust me I have been in the web game along time, the person or people behind this are posting Sex adds on craigslist for minor for christ sake, tell the police that its not child pornography or child molester type shit, Thats somebodies KID, Ill tell ya what, if this happened to my kid I would kill someone.

and if you think that a ISP wont give out info on a child sex/ pornography situation your STUPID.

Im simply stating it's not child porn. And they would have to contact the website / webhost and ask that it would be removed first.

Craigslist is ran by a bunch of hippy's i was told they don't have record's that go past 24 hour's.


Where child pornography involves depictions of children engaging in sexual conduct

Now you stated and if you think that a ISP wont give out info on a child sex/ pornography situation your STUPID

That's not civil. I said the FBI wouln't be involved for a civil case. Now your calling me stupid when i said civil..... Child porn isn't civil.

Well if this happend to your kid tell him to work for thing's in his life wrather then steal. People might consider you a bad parent "David" The person and Other's maybe wouldn't make this happen to him. I can ensure you "David" what happend more then likely could be illegal but nothing can be done about it.

Thus, All in all i don't understand why you got so defensive over it i wasn't telling you that you where wrong or trying to prove you where wrong i was just pointing out the legal flaw's in this.

As far as using his info. There is nothing illegal at all what so ever of ordering somebody tampax. All they do is send you a bill in the mall telling you they need payment before they send it. Wouldn't go 3 feet in court legal wise.

Also david you must first understand what happend here. It didn't happen on import tunerz it happend on a diffrent message forum that had a TERMS OF USE. Witch mean's legally they are protected. Nothing can be done think im "dumb and have no clue what im talking about" ok i'll accept that i don't argue with other people Your right I'm wrong. But do some research if you think that. Once again not trying to proove you wrong. Just pointing out legal flaw's.

EDIT. http://www.news.com/2100-1029_3-5070566.html

No David your ISP will not go to court if you where hosting / in possestion of child porn

If you where hosting a site it would be the web host ect ect

If you had it on your computer they would have to get a warrent and come take your PC and find and proove it was a minor ect ect.

So I guess i am "STUPID".

Team Xtreme - Mike


Nismofreak18 (6:53:43 PM): viper alarm

Nismofreak18 (6:53:45 PM): woooowoooowoo

Nismofreak18 (6:53:47 PM): I come out

Nismofreak18 (6:53:52 PM): and kick your ass lol

ipur3fknpawahi (6:54:01 PM): Dude ill steal your fucking alarm to

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Im simply stating it's not child porn. And they would have to contact the website / webhost and ask that it would be removed first.

Craigslist is ran by a bunch of hippy's i was told they don't have record's that go past 24 hour's.


Now you stated and if you think that a ISP wont give out info on a child sex/ pornography situation your STUPID

That's not civil. I said the FBI wouln't be involved for a civil case. Now your calling me stupid when i said civil..... Child porn isn't civil.

Well if this happend to your kid tell him to work for thing's in his life wrather then steal. People might consider you a bad parent "David" The person and Other's maybe wouldn't make this happen to him. I can ensure you "David" what happend more then likely could be illegal but nothing can be done about it.

Thus, All in all i don't understand why you got so defensive over it i wasn't telling you that you where wrong or trying to prove you where wrong i was just pointing out the legal flaw's in this.

As far as using his info. There is nothing illegal at all what so ever of ordering somebody tampax. All they do is send you a bill in the mall telling you they need payment before they send it. Wouldn't go 3 feet in court legal wise.

Also david you must first understand what happend here. It didn't happen on import tunerz it happend on a diffrent message forum that had a TERMS OF USE. Witch mean's legally they are protected. Nothing can be done think im "dumb and have no clue what im talking about" ok i'll accept that i don't argue with other people Your right I'm wrong. But do some research if you think that. Once again not trying to proove you wrong. Just pointing out legal flaw's.

EDIT. http://www.news.com/2100-1029_3-5070566.html

No David your ISP will not go to court if you where hosting / in possestion of child porn

If you where hosting a site it would be the web host ect ect

If you had it on your computer they would have to get a warrent and come take your PC and find and proove it was a minor ect ect.

So I guess i am "STUPID".

way to argue with an admin..


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not a bad arguement. no one is calling each other out or degrading one another. or deliberately calling each other 'stupid'. it's ok to debate with an admin/moderator imo. just dont let it get out of hand...and be able to back yourself up

EDIT: also...i'm lookin through these pages, lol it's hilarious. dont feel bad for the kid either. may have been shoes, but it's the principle of it



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your obiviously not as smart as You think you are. let me tell you a story( a true story) I have been on the net since 1995 I was a computer geek, I had lots of free time and I learned how to do some shit through the WWW, and well I did somethings that um well were not legal, AOL had NO problems giving up all my info so I could goto jail for hacking some shit up, soooo IF AOL was willing to give ALL my INfo to the District Attourny(sp) so they could try and throw me in the slammer over something stupid ( well IMO it was), I guarunteee just about every ISP in the country would give you up in a heartbeat to nail a possible child molester. thats a fact bro, I have built and maintained more than my fair share of websites, every server has logs, and then the hosting company has their logs, you just cant dump info like that every 24hours it doesnt work that way I dont care what You Heard, I go by facts and it doesnt work that way.

My Kid knows what work is all about, and would not be in this situation, but you have to remember they are still kids and everyone makes mistakes, he ( the original kid) is still a minor, and as we all know, we do stupid shit when were teenagers, I know I did.

Im not being defensive about anything, Im making sure Nothing Like this EVER takes place On MY Website, and This IS MY website, it doesnt have MY name on it, but ask steve He'll tell you the same thing.

If that happened on my website, I would personally turn in every single person involved, your the one trying to defend some sick fucks placing sex adds on craigslist for a minor, WHY? becuase he stole 70 to 100 bucks give me a break, go beat his ass and Call it a day.

if you think your isp ( comcast ) wont give you up in a potiental crime your wrong.

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