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Paul walker dead??????

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RIP Buster.


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I dont think its cool to make fun and poke shit, crappy actor or oscar winner, someone lost their life today and thats all that should matter.

well maybe if the fuckers wouldnt have been speeding they would still be alive... that damn tree is about half way into the car... they was doing at least 120mph to do that.. about we stop feeling sorry for dumb fucks.. what if he killed a kid during his joy ride. would you feel sorry? i know i sound fucked up but come one why should we feel sorry when someone gets what they deserve.. im with Ken with this.. i understand if he was a bystander and some one run him over but looking at the pics it shows he was in a joy ride that could have killed innocent

i dont think he was driving. at least thats what i read somewhere.. but i understand where you and ken are coming from. but im not gonna sit here and say, oh well sucks to be him he died in a car accident. neither am i going to say awwww man nooooo whyyy.

all i say is, RIP to a decent guy and a decent movie franchise.

it was his car but they are saying his friend was driving

does it really matter who was driving? i guess not.. he could have easily told his friend to let it rip on 10th gear and hit the bottle or tell him to go easy on the throttle

i guess it doesnt matter who was driving... at the same time, when i go 120 mph i dont think i deserve to die. neither did he. people go fast all the time. for a lot of people it is their job. and unfortunately this is just one of those times where something went wrong. like i said, i understand where you and ken are coming from but from him being a celeb, he seemed like a decent guy. i dont know who his friend was so i cant say anything about him. so all i am saying is that i hope he rests in peace.

unless you race on a track its not called a job.. there are speed limits for a reason... if it as safe to drive 120 mph it would have been posted... and when you drive 120 mph maybe you dont deserve to die but its better you than an innocent person

i meant race car drivers, stunt drivers, test drivers, etc. yes i agree on speed limits. no innocent person here was killed. they were both speeding yes, but does that mean they deserve to die? no.....

i think you arent really seeing what i am trying to say here... but it doesnt matter right because no one cares about paul walker?

what i mean is, for you and ken: in this situation, celebrity or not, two people died here. and my respect and condolences go out to their families.

until this happens to someone you knew very close you will know what i am trying to say. (i didnt know paul)

fisigggg.JPEG?raw=1 Crossfire_Car_Audio2_265_zpsd219cf51.PNG ablogo_zps4c550ed1.PNG?raw=1 download%204_zpsecsgajxi.JPG?raw=1 Audison-Logo_zps3f7b2a7f.JPG?raw=1 sundown_bg2_zps1d0951fc.JPG?raw=1 orionsmalllogosig_zpsf8d08612.PNG?raw=1 KaptionLogo_zps06c2a555.JPG?raw=1 


Wanna ride bikes?

On 9/16/2017 at 3:28 AM, Jake Pace said:

Oh i know how a 12v system works I did take 3 years of electronics in High school hands on and some in college and also worked on cars in college an always got A's to B's in each class. 

But oh well enough dealing with ppl who have probably not even lived as long as ive been into electronics!

On 7/8/2013 at 4:01 AM, Banshee421 said:

Do horns get low

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i till you this.. if im driving 200 mph and i lose control of the car it better be me dead than someone who dont have anything to do with my act..

you would hope you die if you also hurt somebody else, that is different.

fisigggg.JPEG?raw=1 Crossfire_Car_Audio2_265_zpsd219cf51.PNG ablogo_zps4c550ed1.PNG?raw=1 download%204_zpsecsgajxi.JPG?raw=1 Audison-Logo_zps3f7b2a7f.JPG?raw=1 sundown_bg2_zps1d0951fc.JPG?raw=1 orionsmalllogosig_zpsf8d08612.PNG?raw=1 KaptionLogo_zps06c2a555.JPG?raw=1 


Wanna ride bikes?

On 9/16/2017 at 3:28 AM, Jake Pace said:

Oh i know how a 12v system works I did take 3 years of electronics in High school hands on and some in college and also worked on cars in college an always got A's to B's in each class. 

But oh well enough dealing with ppl who have probably not even lived as long as ive been into electronics!

On 7/8/2013 at 4:01 AM, Banshee421 said:

Do horns get low

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Yes, I'm being sarcastic except for the part about "why should we care?" People die every day.

Fuck celebs, especially those that are shitty actors in shitty movies.

Wow dude you got issues. Think about this, how many people will care when you die. I mean do you want people saying about you, why should we care about this guy, he was a NOBODY. I think people are tuned in because he (Paul) seemed like a decent young man. You never really heard bad press about him.


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I dont think its cool to make fun and poke shit, crappy actor or oscar winner, someone lost their life today and thats all that should matter.

well maybe if the fuckers wouldnt have been speeding they would still be alive... that damn tree is about half way into the car... they was doing at least 120mph to do that.. about we stop feeling sorry for dumb fucks.. what if he killed a kid during his joy ride. would you feel sorry? i know i sound fucked up but come one why should we feel sorry when someone gets what they deserve.. im with Ken with this.. i understand if he was a bystander and some one run him over but looking at the pics it shows he was in a joy ride that could have killed innocent

Dude i'm disappointed in you, i really thought you had more cooth. Think about how many times you were a passenger in a budys car and he was speeding or driving erratically. Does that mean you deserved to die. Dam a lot of people tonight are showing their true colors. It seems like just a few days ago some of you were arguing with me about these punk hood gangster kids. You had more sympathy for them committing crimes, than you do for a young man headed to a charity event and loosing his life. I really just hope none his family has to read some of the rude ignorant post's made on Paul's passing.


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