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Yea its def tedious. Not to mention it water and electronics...

Thats why I suggested air. I mean I could be wrong, but you prolly will need alot of practice to get good at ocing to begin to utilize the extra thermal capacity. Not to mention for mosy people a semi stable pushing the limits after hours of torture testing and tweaking isnt what they want..

A mild clock boost is easy with air.

But as a tip:

Figure out your mounting and everything dry. Get it all put together and run the loop outside the computer on a bench for a few hours with a paper towel underneath. If your still dry, slap it in there. Besides purging the rads and pump and lines of air is alot easier out of the case. A simple cpu single rad loop should be fine.

It just takes time or poof goes ur rig lol.


2010 Hyundai Elantra

Factory Unit via 4 chan NVX LOC

Excessive Amperage "H/O" Alt

Xs D3400/ Xs XP3000

Big 3. 2 Runs of +, 2 Runs of -

DD M3b and 2 12" AQ HDC4s

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Yeah, hilarious video of a a guy adding his liquid cooling and continually spilling water everywhere. I coukdnt stop laughing. I'll find it

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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Stick to the single SSD and don't bother with a RAID. You definitely want a good IPS monitor like Krakin stated. If you need to save money somewhere to get a good monitor, you can easily get a lower wattage power supply. Even a good 500W-600W unit could run that whole system with no issues. There's really no need for anything over 750W unless you're running 2 or 3 graphics cards.

wtf is lolcats?

I'd def get a fat hooker if i had to resort to that kinda thing. I feel like they'd be grateful and work harder. Also its more bang for my buck, more real estate for my dollar if you catch my drift. its like the Costco of streetwalkers.

I was hoping for 150 :(.

I was hoping she would let me put it in her butt

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