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Hello from the Skar Audio Crew! We are moved in!

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Hi Everyone!

I know it has been quite some time since I have been as involved on these forums as I used to be, and I apologize for my absence lately. We have been moving from our old location here in Tampa, FL of about 5,500 sq ft to a much larger location of around 15,000 sq ft over the past couple of months.

We are finally settling down in the new warehouse here and so while I am still playing catch up I figured I would stop in and post on behalf of our entire team for the support you guys continue to show us.. Last year around this time it was myself and 2 other guys running the gig and getting your orders out on a full time basis; as of this post today thank to all of the loyalty and support our customers have shown us, we are now up to 12 full time employees.

It sure is a lot of fun coming into work and doing what I love everyday with a great team of guys behind the Skar name, and so we are excited about continuing to serve such a great customer base and grow as we wrap this year up and head into 2015!

Please feel free to reach us anytime (mind you I apologize for absent emails or phone calls, but now one of the guys will answer where I can't most of the time)!

By Phone : (813) 304-3608

By Email : [email protected]

By Expert Email Advice : [email protected]

Our Physical Address :

Skar Audio

5424 W Crenshaw Street

Tampa, FL 33634

United States


-Kevin Schlenker

Owner & Founder

Skar Audio

Phone : (888) 501-7527


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