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What happens if power wire gauge is too small.


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If the amp is drawing power through lets say an 8 gauge wire. But it is trying to draw enough amps to produce like 1000wrms and needs zero gauge. If the amp ground is zero gauge and the electrical is entirely up to par, what happens in this scenario? Is the amp forced to draw less power and therefore produces less power than it is capable of? Or does it still try to draw the its full power and in turn melt the 8 gauge wire?

I am NOT running this setup, I am just curious about how it would play out.

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Have you ever dropped a wrench on a battery and bridged it? if not, look it up on youtube. It gets red hot and burns and stuff. Thats pretty much what is going to happen all along the car, Maybe not to that extent but your trying to fit a golf ball in a garden hose. It creates a choke point and you wont have good voltage and it will heat up. Usually when you buy a 8 gauge kit it has a small fuse in it, and you will probably blow that before your wire lights on fire. But if you replace it with something like a 200 amp fuse and anything ever so happens to pull a full 200 amps from that 8 gauge wire its going to get hot. All in all, use the right size of wire for the application.

1997 subaru legacy outback

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It would be like trying to use a coffee stirrer as a snorkel.... Bad news.

The amp would starve for current, the wire would get hot, if you're lucky the fuse blows and that's the end of it. If not, fire.

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i run 8 gauge to my subs!

SAME :nuts:

omg me to!

Lets start a club, i got t-shirts!

1997 subaru legacy outback

Four 15's in a almost wall

Rockford Fosgate t2500-1bdcp

Rockford Fosgate T400-4 on tweets
Rockford Fosgate T400-4 on highs
Rockford Fosgate T400-2 on midrange
Rockford Fosgate T400-2 on midbass

Optima Yellow top batteries
270A Singer alt (working on a bracket for a second) 
Lots of Second Skin


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Ok so lights, fire, and explosions lol. What if the amp had an internal regulator that could match its current draw to whatever you were feeding it? Like an advanced form of JL's RIPS technology or something. Same result? Or would the amp just produce less power?

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