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Second Skin Audio

Sundown X 6.5 V2 subwoofer box


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Im going for the Joe X design :)

Inside of the port. Should i cut the port at 45 degree as shown at the picture from joe x? Or can i add an extra 45 degree at the corners? Or should i skip it and just rounded the corners for the port? I think this things matters a lot so thats why i ask. Overdoing may cause it to sound bad maybe



Thanks 3vil for the link to learn more about Transmission lines !

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For a box that small I'd recommend you just rounding any sharp edges inside the port including both ends, cut and build carefully, specially the port which must not get any narrower than 3/4" at any point.

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Thanks for the responses i have received. Thumbs up. I will rounding the edges like you say.

Is it necessary to dampening inside of the box?

It is not necessary or recommended for your application, having said that you can always try it, just set it up in a way it can be removed later if needed and don't apply any of it near the internal end of the port.

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