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My Parents House Burned Down

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Let me explain the background on this before the actual details- my dad died a few months ago, but a few years ago when he was diagnosed with cancer he bought my mom her dream house so she'd be set when he died. They loaded it up with antique furniture (they are 70) and oriental rugs. My dad used to yell for me to take my shoes off because one rug cost more than my vehicle.

When I got my real estate license he was going to sell the house and get a nicer one, because he was living about 45 minutes away in a different house (they still hadn't moved everything in) when I got a $1,000,000 offer. They never ended up selling.

After my dad died my mom was about to sell the house he died in and move in to her dream house, she just had some business to take care of in maryland. Well, I'm outside this afternoon about to build a few small sealed boxes (helping a friend anyway) when I get a call from a local realtor. She told me the house was on fire. As I haul ass over to the house my wife calls me to tell me it was on the news :(

From the front it looks somewhat hopeful (if you can ignore the crooked roofline) but from the back it's obvious it's gutted. In the 8 minutes from the time the neighbor called 911 till the fire trucks got there the whole house was burned. The small parts that didn't go up in flames were so smoke and water damaged there's no hope in saving them. We might be able to re-use the frame, but it's only a glimmer of hope. I'll get pics tomarrow, just couldn't do it today.

We don't know what started the fire yet, but I'll be sure to update. Just thought I'd vent a little here :(


XS Power


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Man thats truly horrible.

I feel truly sorry for you and your mom.

Please say it was properly insured.

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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i hope the insurance takes care of you guys.

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Thanks a lot. No donations or anything, though I really appreciate the sentiment. She's coming home from MD tomarrow, fortunately she's ok and no neighboring houses caught. They did have their windows blow in from the heat, but their houses are basically unharmed.

Her daughter (my sister) died 2 summers ago- and the only thing she has to remember her by is a few pictures that were in that house. Also the stuff they had is irreplacable, things you come by once in a life- and hand painted art my mom made herself 30+ years ago. Tomarrow I'm going to see if there's anything in the ashes to salvage, but theres not much. My dad died 2 months ago, and she has no one to really lean on. She's just having a bad time with things right now, and this is the shit on the cake if you know what I mean. I'm goin to help her however I can, I just feel so bad for her right now.


XS Power


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