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Secret recipe im gonna fill everyone in on: I worked 3rd shift at a grocery store for almost a year and a half LIVING off coffee to make it through the nights & ive experimented with every combo known to man. If you want the BEST cup of coffee in your life, take a filter, make half your regular amount of ground folgers chocolate silk and half folgers hazelnut, then pour yourself a cup, (100bucks says you cant even wait til the pot is done fillin cuz i never could) the smell is SO GOOD. then add either english toffee or french vanilla real dairy creamer with sugar & take a sip. LIQUID CANDY  :w00t:

4 15" FI Q D2's in 12 cubes tuned to 32hz

1- T1000.1bd's

3 Maxx 29 deep cycles

4 runs of 1/0 gauge

-Big 3

-Trunk sealed off from the cabin

Custom 15.8 dual-volt switching MLA module

All in a CAR.

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I got one for the guys that like coffie and cocoa! Fill you coffie cup about 1/2 full of your faverate coffie. Take a Milky Way bar (unrapped) break it into little pices and put it in the coffie (sturr untill compleatly disloved) take a package of Nestly coco and mix it in. Top off the cup with hot coffie. Mix good and sip. Its called a "Cadilac" it soooo dam good. Warnning its Extreamly addictive and dirnking more than one a day could cause saver stomach ach and liquid shitz!

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:w00t: sounds good... im guessing u tried to drink all kinds of it in one day?

J. Jsig_253411.jpgMy CardomainFINISHED COBALT SS/SC DUAL ALTERNATOR PICS icon_nuts.gif

theres no such thing as too expensive when it comes to upgrades like that, because imo if you are gonna spend to upgrade then do it correctly rather then be a cheap ass ricer
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I never drank coffee til I went to Iraq. We had coffee sent to us from the states, and we drank it al the time to stay awake during 12 hour guard shifts. Never had any problems with it. After I got back from Iraq, if I drank coffee, even 1 cup, I'd have the MUDD BUTT...BAD. So I stay away from coffee now.

I've always loved hot chocolate, and I dont have any problems with it....never have, hopefully never will.

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