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I am new here but I might as well put this just in case something happens and people call me a pussy for not responding to my topics I have posted,lol

I had 2 cancerous tumors removed last year. one in my leg,grade 3,, about the size of a soft ball and one small grade 1 in my left hand. The one in my leg grew from nothing to a softball size in 2 months time. They where both Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors or M.P.N.S.T. for short. Everything was removed just fine and I had only radiation after that for 7 weeks. Radiation ended around June 3rd 2008.

Fast forward to this week I went for my 3 month check-up and I now have a tumor on my right lung 1 1/2 inches or so..that was not there 3 months ago. So they think the cancer has come back. I go today to meet the thoracic surgeon and see what happens. If it is cancer this time I will need Chemotherapy and probably radiation. These types of cancer are usually immune to Chemo that is why the first time they did not give it to me.

So that's all for now, Keep rocking or rapping or whatever it is you do. I personally will be looking for as much puss* as I can before I go for surgery..I will not pay for it, I will just walk up to women in bars and see if they want to fu*k,,,,,it might work it might not :rofl:

Peace out !!!!!!!!!!!

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sorry to hear man. my little cousin battled cancer for a little over a year and now has been cancer free for 2 years so you could come out just fine, but the walking up to girls attitude is dope! haha

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My best wishes to you. Hang in there.


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Thanks all.

Talked to the surgeon today. They will remove part of the middle and lower lobe of my right lung. I will be in the hospital for 3-5 days. They said it will take some time to get back to normal, I think he said 3 months or so. It is in a good spot where I will not lose the whole lung or 2/3's of it, it is away from the blood vessels.

After that I start chemo. Smoking was not a factor in this it was the previous cancer I had that caused it. He said if I do quit smoking now that it will be as if I never smoked, never had surgery and never had cancer years down the road.

Surgery will be in 1-3 weeks from now and they will call on Tuesday with that information.

Edited by pokertramp
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kinda curious, how did you get tested for the cancer.

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kinda curious, how did you get tested for the cancer.

Well I have normal tumors which come from Neurofibromatosis type 1. Chances of them turning cancerous are less than 10% overall.

I had 2 tumors removed last year and they did 3 biopsy's on them and both where cancer,,,MPNST which are very rare.

What they did this time was a CT scan and nothing has ever shown on or in my lungs. Nothing was there a few months ago and now there is one there about 3.5 CM.....So they will still biopsy it after surgery but they are 90-100% sure it is cancer that metastasized.

I go every 2-3 months to Boston for MRI's and CT scans. After all this is done I will probably go for a PET scan. PET scans usually will show cancer when they inject radi active material in you it shows up bright white. The material is attracted by the cancer cells and that is how they know. Sometimes it might show up in error which has happened to me once.

I hope this helps.

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