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If someone commits suicide over that then so be it. No one forced them to, no one told them to. People need to get over small shit. It is life afterall

They wouldn't force him but they would cause him to, and this wasn't really small shit. Stuff like that can ruin peoples lives in highschool. No one wants to be the kid thats picked on by everyone and has no friends. Those are the kids that say fuck my life and kill themselves. But doesn't sound like thats the cause here.


1 DC lvl 4 15"

1 Hifonics BXi 1608D

3.2ft^3 Box tuned to 32-33Hz

Knu Kolossus Fleks Kable 1/0

Knu Karma SS 8 Gauge Speaker Wire

Kenwood eXcelon KDC-X493 Head Unit (coming soon)

Kenwood mids + highs (coming soon)


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Last sunday I went over to a friends house just to hang out. She was texting a few people and we were just chillin on her back porch. I was thinkin of a senior prank. We only have not even 2 months left so i was really thinking hard. Well, theres 2 major groups in my school. Im not racist. But the two groups are rednecks and the blacks. There are always fights going on. Last year we had this kid tyler, he tries to fit in where ever he goes. He just cant be himself. Last year he was ghetto, this year he is redneck. But he is mexican? So not many people like him.

Emily mentioned something about "text sex" I laughed and said are you serious? People are that desperate? Then it hit me. Emily text tyler see if he will have phone sex with u. Ill record it, you just put it on Speaker phone. Sure enough she convinces him to do it.. So he calls her at 11:30 and the fun begins. It started out with him saying "take me off speaker". I whispered " say no, say, i need 2 hands its better"

HAHA we went a whole 17 mins before she busted out laughing and he hung up. He had no idea we were recording him. Except when he got to school on tuesday(we didnt have school monday) he relized it, EVERY SINGLE SENIOR had the recording. My brother is a freshmen and he rides the bus home, people are still talking about it.

The best part is when people see him in the halls they say "can u handle it?" The most memoriable question during the recordings.

I just had to let everyone know, I had a great senior year, and this is just the cherry on top!

Anyone else have any stories about Senior pranks?

i dont see how this is a senior prank, its more like.... starting beef with someone.


....my damn room was shaking, im like wtf is this how am i gonna die jakin off to vida guerra?

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ya that is pretty fucked up that is in no way funny. i dont know you or your friends but after reading that yall look like complete assholes :01nocomment8so:

for real!


....my damn room was shaking, im like wtf is this how am i gonna die jakin off to vida guerra?

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Hate to break it to you man but that's not a senior prank, that's just the senior class fucking with one dude. :lazy:

Better watch out, the kid's gonna pop a cap in everyone's ass while yall are at lunch. :lol:

Gotta do something better than that if you want to brag about a senior prank. You gotta do something that's funny, but still fairly harmless, but something all the seniors can appreciate. A fairly harmless PRANK, not just fucking up some kid's high school year.

Take for example a good one that was on MTV, some kids snuck into the main office and tapped a cordless phone into the main line. The phone would have a line you could dial and it would go over the campus' announcement system, so they would take turns playing party music over the entire school intercoms one day.

See that's a cool senior prank, they could still get in trouble, but odds are even the police will get a chuckle over it if they got caught, and they can't get in THAT much trouble because they didn't hurt anyone. Also the chances of a pissed off kid with a fucked up reputation wont come back and blow everyone up.

Have fun, just don't hurt anyone, waste the school's money, don't break anything, or make a obscene performance that could be considered illegal.



Not being new at something doesn't mean anything. Just because a prostitute isn't new at what she does, doesn't change the fact that she still 'sucks'

Click to see my build!

Proud DC owner

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Some "people" at my school took a shit on stage, multiple times that year lol.

Oh and i forgot to mention that one of the teachers daughters slipped and fell in it.

Edited by BassJunkie

1986 C20 Suburban

9 American Bass XFL 15's


14v XS Power Batteries

Maxwell Caps

Acoustical energy is free. Electrical energy is not

you havent lived until you've hit a screw with a router.

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yeah we let 2 goats loose in the halls, bought 10,000 crickets and put them in shoe boxes and then dumped them out in the hall during class change, a friend of mine stole the parking lot security guard's golf cart and we chained it to the field goal, some dumbass in my class then tried to up that and stole a dumbtruck from a nearby construction site and attempted to pull some of the classroom trailer's away from the school. (he managed to pull one off the cinder blocks but when he did it rolled over) (he is still in jail for that shit, it was over 2 years ago) lol.


Edited by brewer_brewer
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i have a whole lot, lol

we started an "outdoor club", it was official, in the school offerings of clubs, had a staff advisor, etc. It was an excuse to smoke weed and take over a baseball field of the school to play croquet high for a few hours after school every tues and thurs, we had 2k people sign up, 500 would show up on a good day, literally the most popular club, followed closely by

the technology club, same deal, even had its own page on the school website and made it into activity guides for the school. Was an excuse to take over the big ass projector/presentation area of the library to play halo, and the school sponsored tournaments...school gave each official club 500 bux a year for functions plus whatever you could raise, we used it to put up prizes for tournys, like games/controllers/movies

some other seniors and I made a website in our web design class and hosted it on the school servers (so you could always access it), it had a proxy program to allow you to bypass school proxies, it had near 100k hits after a year

we uploaded a gameboy, snes, and sega emulator along with 200ish games to a teacher's file system (who we knew wouldnt use it, she was some old lady who couldnt tell a floppy drive from a screen), played mad pokemon and super mario and shit in classes with computers

my best friends older brother (5 years older than us) told us about how he and some other friends staged a fight right before passing, everyone came out and watched. 4 other guys set off smoke/stink bombs, and released mad like feed mice(the kind for a pet snake) in the hall. by release i mean threw handfulls of rats into the crowd. girls were like stomping them out and screaming and shit.

my prank was that we found the "key" thingy to take the post out of the center of the double doors in the school, and drove this beat ass integra into the senior courtyard, we found it abandoned in the ghetto cuz it was missing like 3 gears off the tranny, we drove it there using 1st and 5th, lol

we set up a 10v10 full contact football game in the courtyard one day, which was sick

we made the trees outfront into "snow dicks" like covered them with snow 10feet up and rolled snowballs up to the base so it looked like giant cocks all around the front, it was like the most talked about one in a while

we convinced the freshmen its a tradition that on the last day before christmas break,in 6th period, everyone flips the lunch tables/desks when the bell rings, school gives them all detention and shit

we sold pool passes on the first day of school, we dont have a pool...we said its on the 3rd floor, school is only 2 stories

i miss highschool...there wasnt much going on besides parties and pranks and stupid shit 24/7

Edited by raytard

Build: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...hl=avalon+build

monster/rockford/kicker/stinger cables, pioneer source, jbl highs/amps, kinetik/shuriken batts, iraggi alt, dei security, dc subs(atleast for now)

Team DC

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When I graduated the big thing was rick rolling, so I rick rolled the school at least once every period for the whole day, then rick rolled the graduation ceremony. The principal came over the intercom to complain about interruptions and I just cut him off and rick rolled some more.

Current Systems:

2011 BMW 335i

Hertz HDP1

DC LVL3 12" Full Carbon Fiber

2002 Acura Tl
Kenwood DNX9980HD
2 DCLVL4 12" Subs with LVL5 Parts D.7 Coils
DC 3.5k
Hertz HSK-165 up front HCX-165 Rear
Hertz HDP4 Amp
DC Power Engineering 260 Amp Alt
Big 3 and amp powered with KNU 1/0
XS Power D2400 Up Front

i pulled out my dick in class many of times and had it shown. get over it bitch...stupid open legged hairy beavered bitch...

going over rms = smaller box, under rms = bigger box...

Low voltage doesn't blow amps. That's a myth.

A router that does the sub holes makes rounded edges also?

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i dont see how this is a senior prank, its more like.... starting beef with someone.

yeah really. fuckin with one person isnt a senior prank

i dont know you or your friends but after reading that yall look like complete assholes :01nocomment8so:

i would agree, except i have a story i could probably tell that'd get the same reaction from everyone else here, but at the time was fuckin hilarious even tho i didnt have anything to do with it. i was there when it happened, and i was rolling lol



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